Page 13 of Possession

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“Ready?” I look up at Oliver.

“I thought you left.”

“I was waiting. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to go back to Gotham.” He sits.

“I’m going home.”

“And the girl?”

“She got up and left.”

“Good for her.” Oliver laughs. I glare. “It’s nice to see not all women fall for your charm.”

“What are you implying?” I look at him.

“Nothing. An observation. For the last several years you haven’t spent a second night with a woman.”

“I’m going home.” I stand.

“Viktor, I didn’t mean anything by my comment.”

“I have an early meeting with John.” I decide not to acknowledge his comment. “Close the restaurant. My mother left.”

“Fine.” He finally says.

I think he wants to say more. I don’t give him the opportunity. There is truth to his words. In the last few years, I haven’t felt the desire to be with a woman for more than one night. Fiona saw to that. I want to say I don’t think of Fiona but the bullet scars are a permanent reminder of her mark in my life. But it was a lifetime ago. No point in remembering the past.

As I drive, I think of Ava. I’m not sure why. There is no reason I should. It’s clear she is a means to an end. This is a transaction. Her father’s debt will be paid off and I get a distraction. I will have an obedient submissive. Someone I can claim and not worry about marriage or kids.

I don’t know what comes over me. I turn left at the light. Not the way home. I drive straight with no final destination. Ten minutes later, I am in front of the projects. I can’t remember the last time I was here. Maybe when I was a teenager trying to bed a girl. They were known to be easy. I turn the headlights off. I don’t know what I’m expecting. She is probably home by now. Ten more minutes before I come to my senses. when I spot her across the street. She is walking fast, looking down. Too trusting. She doesn’t know who could be lurking in the shadows. A car pulls beside her. She looks, ignores, and keeps walking. The car drives onto the sidewalk. Before I know it, my door is opening and my gun is in my hand.

“Nathan, leave me alone.”

“Get in the car.”

“Go away.”

Her voice shakes. I’m not sure if it’s fear or anger. Either way, I’m putting an end to this. The driver is distracted. His head turned to her. He doesn’t see me coming but she spots me seconds before. She mouths no to me. But I don’t listen. No one tells me what to do. I focus on the task at hand. I put the gun to the side of his head.

“I suggest you leave before I pull the trigger.” The man turns. I press the gun to his forehead.

“Wow, wow, wow what the heck bro?”

“I’m not your bro. She told you to lose her number. To leave her alone.”

“She is my girl.” I lower the hammer. He flinches. Another fucking wanna be thug.

“I won’t repeat myself.”

“Viktor, please don’t. He is not worth it.” Despite the severity of the situation, her voice does something to me. I look in her eyes, “Please.” She begs.

I put the hammer back in its position. “If I ever see or hear of you near her you will meet your maker.” I take a step back and walk to Ava. He takes the opportunity to speed away.

“What are you doing here?” She looks at me confused.

“I believe a thank you is in order.”

“I had everything under control.”
