Page 38 of Possession

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“I loved working at the Boutique. I like looking at designs and helping women find what makes them feel beautiful.”

“That sounds good.” I interject. She looks surprised by my voice.

“I didn’t know you were here.”

“I just got home.”

“Dinner should be in ten minutes.” Mary adds.

“We will be in the dining room.” Ava looks between Mary and me. At first she looks like she doesn’t like what I’m saying. Eventually she takes a deep breath and walks towards me. “Good girl.” She sneers and I chuckle. “How was your day?”

“I don’t want to be stuck in this house.”

“You aren’t stuck in this house. Tomorrow your driver will start. You will be able to go anywhere.” What I am not telling her is that the driver will serve as her guard. I don’t want her unprotected when she isn’t with me. With the attack and my father I don’t want to take any chances.

“I can take myself anywhere. I don’t need a driver.” She adds as she sits.

“Yet, that is my decision and it’s final.”

“Why do you want to tell me what to do? Don’t you want to be with someone who can think for herself?”

“We aren’t together. This is your job. Don’t forget that.” I add, feeling like I need to drill it in her to avoid future issues.

“Right because I forgot for one second why I am here.” Her words are sarcastic and I want to respond. But lucky for her Mary chooses to walk in with dinner.

“Are you interested in learning about running your own boutique or designing?” I ask as Mary serves. Ava perks up at the question. I see the excitement in her eyes.

“Never really thought about it. It wasn’t exactly an option.”

“Things are different now. You have everything at your disposal. Perhaps you might be interested in taking a class or two.” She smiles and it brings me satisfaction.

“Can I?”

“Of course. I’ll have Oliver drop off material for you to look at.”

“No thank you. I can do my own research.” Her tone changes, more serious. The spark in her eyes from seconds ago is gone.

“Is there a problem with Oliver?” I look at her trying to figure out what the problem is.

“I don’t want to bother him with something trivial when I can do it myself.” Her mouth is saying one thing but her tone another. Something happened between them last night I am certain.

“I expect you to tell me if there are any issues with my staff.”

“I will.” She looks away from me.

“See what you can find. Money isn’t an issue. When you find something, let me know and I’ll pay for it.” She looks tense. If she won’t tell me, I will demand it from Oliver. There is a long silence.

“How was your day?” She finally asks.

“Busy and long.”

“What do you do exactly?” I hadn’t thought she would ask about my work. Everyone knows about the family business.

“I dabble in a few things.”

“Like what?” She takes a bite.

“Nothing interesting. Running an empire.”
