Page 5 of Possession

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“His daughter. Now that it has been established who I am, I demand to know who loaned my dad a hundred thousand dollars.” Her arm is on her hip demanding to get an answer. She is commanding the room. I see the men staring at her and it bothers me.

“Everyone out.” My words aren’t loud but enough for the room to empty in seconds. She looks around confused. “Sit.”

“I am perfectly fine standing.”

“I wasn’t asking. Sit.” She looks around confused. There isn’t anyone left other than Oliver who is still beside me. She sits. “What’s your name?”


She holds her bag close to her for protection like it’s going to help her. A closer look tells me she is more beautiful than from afar. Her eyes are the shade of the sky. She has light brown hair and fair skin. She thinks she is hiding her beauty by not using makeup and keeping her hair in a ponytail. How wrong she is.

“I am Viktor Manarch. I loaned your father money.” A lie. I stay away from that part of the family business. It’s more trouble than it’s worth. I don’t understand why my father insists on it.

“It’s the old man from earlier. The one you gave a week to pay off his debt.” Oliver whispers. I didn’t give him a week, my father’s ledger did.

“Why would you loan a gambler that amount of money? You are taking advantage of him.” She scorns.

“Ms. O'Brien, I am in the business of giving people what they desire. I don’t make it a habit to run a background check.”

“Maybe you should. You are giving money and expecting payment in one week. You probably don’t even know my dad. If you did you would have never given him the money. You are unbelievable. You should be ashamed of yourself.” She is sassy. I lean closer to her.

“Your father knew the terms when he took the money. He didn’t have an issue spending the money.” She looks at me confused.

“Spending?” She closes her eyes then shakes her head. “Doesn’t matter. He has a debt he can’t pay. I will pay his debt. I demand a payment plan.” The sound of a ringtone interrupts her. She rummages through her bag. She takes a phone out and looks at it. “Shit.” Her face becomes flushed. There is an anger that wasn’t there before.

“Do you need to get that?”


“You were saying.”

“I am the one…” the ringtone goes off again. This time she answers. “We don’t have anything to talk about Nathan. I am done with your cheating and whores. You are a waste of a man and my time. Lose the fucking number for good.” She ends the call.

“Would you like some water? A drink perhaps?” Somehow the call upsets me. Why would any man cheat on the woman sitting in front of me? She is perfect. Any man would give anything to have her.

“I am fine. I need to leave. Can we come up with a payment plan? I will pay every penny. I am good for it. You can ask around.” She rubs her temple. Her hands are slightly shaking.

“I need to think about it. I am a businessman.”

“I understand.” She lets out a deep breath. She goes into her bag again. This time she takes out a pen. She grabs a napkin. “Here is my number. Please call me as soon as you have made a decision. Like I said I will pay every penny. But I can’t give you the money in one week. It’s not an attainable timeline for me.” She holds out her hand with the napkin.

“I will be in touch.”

“Thank you.” Our fingers briefly touch. There is a surge of electricity that peaks the darkness in me. Before I can say more she stands and leaves.

“What do you know about her?” I ask Oliver as she leaves.

“You don’t remember her?”

“Should I?”

“I guess not. By the time she moved into the neighborhood, you were rarely here. Not to mention she is young. They live in the projects. She works at Gotham but no one knows much about her. She keeps to herself. But I can ask around.”

“How have I not seen her at Gotham? I would have remembered her.” I ask, more to myself.

“She hasn’t been there long. It’s one of Arty’s latest hires. I can call and find out more?”

“Her father?” I need more information before I decide what I want to do, even though I have already made up my mind.
