Page 54 of Possession

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“I don’t remember.” I lie and he knows it.

“I’ve been patient with you. I don’t do lies. It’s obvious something more happened in Joe’s office.” I look up at him.

“I told you nothing.”

“You know that is a lie. Tonight in your sleep you spoke. You told him not to touch you. You said to take his filthy hands away from you.” His voice isn’t accusatory or harsh. He is actually tender.

“Viktor,” I start.

“If you are going to lie I would rather you not say nothing at all.”

We are both quiet. The air is filled with the sound of his heartbeat. I suddenly realize he isn’t wearing a shirt. He is wearing pajama pants. I smell a hint of alcohol. He must have been drinking.

“You should get some rest. I’m ok now.” I finally say. He takes my chin and lifts my face for our eyes to meet.

“Joe is dead.” He isn’t cold or warm when he speaks.

“Viktor,” I start.

“I told you. You are mine. No man will ever touch you and live. Now get some sleep.” He moves me and gets out of bed. He leaves without saying another word.

I’m shocked by his confession. Did he kill Joe because of me? How many times have I spoken in my sleep? I didn’t know I was talking in my sleep. A part of me feels guilty. I didn’t want Joe to be killed even if he was evil. Viktor is so confusing. He constantly tells me I am his employee but goes and kills Joe because he touched me. I don’t know what to believe anymore.

I wait until my door closes before I get out of bed. I know I won’t find sleep. I walk over to the small desk by the window and take out my journal. It is something I’ve picked up since being here. Somehow I find it therapeutic. It helps me process my feelings for Viktor. Because I know I have feelings for him. I shouldn’t but I do.

Tuesday April 21st

It’s another sleepless night. I found myself having the same nightmare. Just like last night I woke up to Viktor being in my bedroom. He got in bed and held me. I’m beginning to see he isn’t just the cold man I once thought. Deep down he is kind. I dare say even loving. I’m not sure what this is about. I don’t like not knowing where we stand. Everyday that passes it’s getting harder not to see the man he tries to hide.

Chapter Thirty-One


It’s been two months since Viktor confessed he killed Joe. Things have been better. I’ve finally managed to sleep through the night. Knowing Joe can’t hurt me has made me feel safe again. But I am never left alone. Marco has become my shadow. Something tells me he isn’t just my driver. Viktor has been more attentive too. He spends more time in the house. He even makes it a point to have dinner with me a few times a week. It’s nice. The ping of my phone gets my attention.

Viktor: Be ready in five. I’m almost there

Ava: Ok

Viktor called earlier saying he had plans for us. I didn’t think much of it since every time he makes plans something comes up. I noticed things have been a little tense the last few days. There are men walking the property all the time. Every time I ask him, he says they are running training exercises. But he is lying. I can tell. Since things have been good between us I found myself dropping it.

I wasn’t sure what to wear and he didn’t say where we were going. I am wearing a knee-length dress. The weather is perfect for it. It hugs my curves and it’s comfortable. My kind of outfit. I noticed he likes me in dresses. Nothing has happened between us. A lot of hot heavy make-out sessions followed by him leaving afterwards. I find him constantly struggling with himself. I wish he would just claim me already.

My hair is pulled up in a messy bun and my makeup is soft. I have butterflies in my stomach and don’t understand it. It’s not like this is a date. This is Viktor we are talking about. We aren’t a couple and barely friends if you can call it that. But I can’t help it. My phone beeps.

Viktor: I’m outside

I grab my clutch and a light sweater just in case. Taking a deep breath, I make my way downstairs. Why am I so self-conscious? I need to get over myself. The air outside helps calm my nerves a little. He is on the phone when I approach. I stand by the passenger door waiting for him to let me know when to get in. I don’t want to intrude and I’ve been trying to be more obedient, as he calls it. But it’s more like I just don’t want to argue with him anymore. It’s too exhausting. He looks at me funny and waves me inside. Like I should have just gotten in. I don’t get him. I get in and buckle my seatbelt.

“No calls Oliver. Figure it out.” He ends the call. I keep my eyes forward. “You look beautiful.” I turn, surprised by his compliment.

“Thank you.”

“I hope you didn’t eat.” With all my anxiety I couldn’t eat. But he doesn’t need to know that.


“Good.” He smiles which he rarely does.
