Page 66 of Possession

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“But at what cost?” I pull my hand from his and sit. He is quiet at first. I suppose thinking about how he is going to answer.

“It will be a greater cost if something happened to you.” He finally says. I am going to ask a follow-up question but Mary walks in with breakfast.

The food smells delicious. My mouth waters, reminding me I haven’t truly eaten since lunch yesterday and even then, it wasn’t enough. We fall into peaceful silence or as peaceful as it can be. I eat while Viktor scrolls through his phone. When I can’t take another bite, I push my plate away. There is still the main question I need to ask but don’t want to.

“Viktor,” his eyes pry from his phone to me. I take a deep breath. “I would like to change the terms of our arrangement. I want to go home.” I don’t know if this is what I really want but what is the alternative?

“No.” His tone is flat.

“What do you mean no? Everything that is happening isn’t healthy or normal.”

“We made a deal and it’s final.” He stands pushing his chair back.

“Viktor,” I start.

“You are confined to the house until further notice.”

“This isn’t fair. This is your mess, not mine.” My voice rises.

“I thought we already established that life isn’t fair. The arrangement stands.” He starts to walk away. I leap out of my chair and stand in front of him.

“I am not your fucking dog to order.” I scream at his face.

“You will be whatever I want you to be.”

The words are like a knife. Before I know it, my hand connects with his face. I take a step back when I have realized what I have done. There is rage in his eyes. His eyes are no longer the color of amber. They are dark like the night. He grabs me by the throat.

“You are to never do that again Ava. I’ve been lenient and gentle with you. But you are pushing your boundaries to the limit.” He squeezes enough to get his point across but I can tell he isn’t trying to hurt me. “Do I make myself clear?”

“You are fucking monster who is going to get me killed.” I try to push him away but my efforts are pointless.

“Viktor,” I hear Oliver call.

“What?” He screams looking at me.

“Let her go. Our father has called.” But his eyes never leave mine.

“Do I make myself clear?” He repeats again just squeezing a little more. “Ava.”

“Yes.” I scream and he lets go. My hands go to my neck trying to make sense of what just happened.

“Call if you need anything.” His last words before he disappears with Oliver. I need an escape plan and I need it yesterday.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


“What is wrong with you?” Oliver questions as we walk to the front door.


“It didn’t look like nothing.”

“Stay out of it.” We get in my SUV. His question rattles me. Am I losing control with Ava?

“You can’t fail to see all these attacks started the moment you announced your engagement to her. She is right, you know. Staying with you is going to get her killed.”

I don’t respond. I let his words sink in. We walk outside and get in my SUV. I pull away with the standard three vehicles behind us. I should let her out of our arrangement. This is more complicated than I planned on. This was supposed to be simple and easy. Instead it has become a never ending problem. Something tells me she isn’t going to be any safer if she leaves my side. Not anymore.
