Page 68 of Possession

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“Then war it is. I will protect her until my last breath.” He opens the door and gets out his words replaying in my head.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


I can’t believe him. He must be out of his fucking mind. He is a monster, the devil reincarnated. I don’t have to stay here and take this. I just have to find a way to either get his money or disappear. I am so angry I can’t help the tears. There was so much darkness in his eyes. It’s not normal. He doesn’t need me. I’m just a toy to him, someone he can do whatever he pleases with. His constant mood swings are driving me crazy. I look in the mirror. My neck has a light print of his fingers. I won’t tolerate it. I have to find a way to leave this place.

I take a hoodie from my closet and go downstairs. I have to learn everything I can about this house. I need to put my skills from the projects to use. The house is quiet. He must have left with Oliver. I don’t see Mary, so she is off somewhere. My only shot is to find an escape route using the backyard. I’m surprised when I walk to the French Doors and no one stops me. Maybe this whole confinement has not reached the guards yet. I pull my hoodie up and try to blend in. To make sure I don’t raise any suspicion I pop in my AirPods. I can always say I am listening to music and enjoying the fresh air.

To one side of the backyard, there isn’t much. The pond takes most of the space. I haven’t seen the back of the house. I’m shocked when I do. It’s a completely different world. There is a two-story house you would never see from the front. It’s very well hidden. I imagine on purpose. It’s new but has this old, dark feeling to it. There is a small shed to the side. I wonder what they store there. I try not to linger since men are walking around. I keep walking like it’s normal for me to be here.

“Ms. O’Brien,” I hear someone call. But I pretend I can’t hear. “Ms. O’Brien,” there is a tap on my shoulder. It’s Marco, no surprise there. I take out one of the AirPods.

“Sorry, I was listening to music. How can I help you?” We have stopped walking.

“This is a restricted area. You are not allowed to be here.”

“I didn’t realize.” I try to play it cool.

“Let me walk you back.” I’m disappointed. I want to explore more. I notice behind the shed there seems to be a running path. It could lead to my freedom.

“It’s not necessary. I’ll take myself.” I keep walking in the direction of the other side to the mansion.

“I’d rather keep my job if you don’t mind.” I feel bad for the man. It’s not his fault his boss is a monster and I am me.

“Ok.” I am hoping he will continue my path of walking around the house but he does a about-face. We walk back to the French Doors. The men have dispersed. They are no longer standing in front of the smaller house. Something tells me to look at the time. My phone reads twelve. Something to note. “Thanks.” I tell Marco as he opens the door.

“Please let me know if you need anything. I’ll be in the kitchen.”

I don’t respond. I walk to Viktor’s office. Maybe I can see through his window what is on this side of the mansion. There has to be a way out of this place. I open the door. I’m smacked by his musk sandalwood scent. I feel the flutter of butterflies in my stomach. My libido needs to get over herself. I have a task and I need to focus.

I walk to the window but the glass is frosted. Great. I try to open it but it won’t. I sit to think. Where else? I look around the office like it’s going to tell me something. I’m about to stand and give up when I notice a bookshelf that isn’t flush all the way like the others. I stand and look around, making sure I am alone. Stupid since I am alone and there is only one way in. I walk over. At first, I don’t think anything of it. Then I feel a breeze. I am not sure why but I try to move it. To my surprise it moves. I push it all the way. It’s a door to a corridor. I look behind me. I am still alone. Against my better judgment, I walk in and close it behind me.

The corridor is dark and cold. I probably shouldn’t be here. Something tells me this is a terrible idea. It’s long, and the further in I go the more spooked I feel. Then I hear voices. At first, I think the voices are behind me. But I look back and there isn’t anyone. I am alone. I walk deeper in. I have to recognize this is the moment when the people watching a horror movie yell to the actors on the screen to turn around. But I am at the point of no return with no options. At the end of the corridor, the voices are much clearer. It splits into two hallways.

“I don’t get why we have to protect her. She is no one.”

“Because she is marrying the boss. At least she is better than Fiona.”

“Aye. But she is a bairn while the other one is bonnie.”

“I’d watch what you say. She is going to be the queen to his clan someday.”

I don’t want to hear anymore. I don’t understand half the shit they are saying. I walk to the other hallway which is quiet. There are a few doors but I don’t have the courage to open them. Finally there is a door at the end where light spills. I turn the knob and to my surprise it opens. It leads outside the mansion. I look at both sides. I don’t see anyone. I close the door behind me and walk. If someone sees me, I can say I am getting fresh air again.

I notice the gates extend all the way to the back. This place is a fortress. Closer to the entrance of the mansion there are SUVs parked alongside but no guards. I use the SUVs as cover. If I continue on my path, I might make it to the gate unnoticed. Every few seconds I look behind me just in case. It’s still clear. I’m less than thirty feet from the gate. I see freedom. I take a deep breath and dart to the gate. I push it open and the most horrific sound goes off. It takes less than a minute for me to be surrounded.

“Ma’am, you aren’t allowed to leave the premises.” A giant man says.

“I’m going for a walk.” I walk towards the gate to leave the premises ignoring him.

“I’m afraid you aren’t going anywhere.” Another says. He is older with an accent.

“You can’t tell me what to do.” I take another step

“Mr. Manarch has given orders.”

“I don’t give a fuck what he said.” I make it to the gate. There are at least three larger men on the other side. “Get out of the way.”
