Page 70 of Possession

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I turn my chair and stare out the window. Oliver’s question is still replaying.Do you love her?I run my fingers through my hair. This wasn’t the plan. I can’t love her. I don’t know what love is. I was rough on her this morning. I didn’t mean to take her by the throat. But I can’t tolerate her slapping me and not doing something. My men need to know I won’t accept it from anyone. Truth be told it was hard. It bothered me to see the way she looked at me. There was hurt in her eyes and I can’t take it. Ava is changing me. I am not a man who cares about how others feel. But with her there is something else all together. My phone goes off. The screen reads Marco. He shouldn’t be calling.

“Is Ava safe?” This is what I need to know first.

“She is sir. But we have a problem. She tried to leave the premises. She is currently at the front gate demanding to be let out.”

“How the fuck she get that far without you noticing?”

“We haven’t quite figured it out yet. Angus thinks she found the tunnel. The last place she was seen was in your office.”

“Fuck.” I slam my hand on the desk. “Take the phone to her.” As he walks, I hear Ava screaming. I rub my forehead. She is going to be the death of me.

“She won’t take the phone, sir.”

“Put the phone on speaker.”

“Yes sir.”

“Ava, take the fucking phone.”

“I don’t want to talk to you.” She yells.

“I won’t repeat myself. Take it or deal with the consequences.”

“Fuck you and your consequences.” She barks.

“Marco, take Ava to her bedroom by any means necessary. Lock her inside.” I stand from my chair. She has to learn who is in control, who has the final word.

“I am not your fucking prisoner.”


“Yes sir.” She starts to yell at him. I end the call and leave my office.

“Mr. Manarch, did you need something?”

“Cancel the rest of my day.”

“But sir,” She starts and I glare. “Right away.”

I storm out of the building. I might love Ava but I won’t submit to her. I get in my SUV and start driving, thinking of her punishment. She needs to understand I need her safe. I pull up to the house and see that my men are scattered inside and outside the gate. The gate opens and I drive in. Angus is posted at the front door. I get out of my SUV.

“What the fuck happened?” I ask when he reaches me.

“She found the tunnel. No one noticed. It wasn’t until she tried opening the gate and the alarm went off.”

“In other words, she outsmarted twenty men.” I am impressed. Under other circumstances, I would be proud.


“Where is Marco?”

“Outside her door.” He answers as we walk through the door. “Viktor,” Angus rarely calls me by name. I stop.


“I am not sure what she has seen or heard. She might not say it, but she is scared.” Angus is a wise man. He has seen more than most.

“Still no excuse.”
