Page 88 of Possession

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He squeezes my shoulder. I wouldn’t imagine they would be so stupid as to do anything to her here with me. But I wouldn’t put it past them. The minutes go by. Ava isn’t back. I have an unsettling feeling. Right when I am going to get up, I see her coming with Oliver beside her. I am distracted trying to gauge her mood. I miss it when Fiona stands.

“Oops,” Fiona says as she throws her drink at Ava. “I am so clumsy. Anita, whoever does your floor is great at it. You must give me their number.” I stand and walk over.

“What the fuck, Fiona?” I turn her to face me.

“It was an accident. An honest mistake.” She holds her hand to her chest theatrically.

“Apologize.” I demand.

“To whom? There is no one worth apologizing to.” I shake her.

“I won’t tolerate you disrespecting my future wife.”

“You aren’t going to marry her. Get over it. You had your fun with the whore.” I am about to grab her by her neck but grab her by both arms instead.

“I wouldn’t if you want her to make it out of here.” My father yells. Ava rushes towards the door.

“Ava,” I call. I let go of Fiona. “Thank you for dinner, Mom. I think it’s time to call it a night.”

“You better sit down boy. I swear if you leave, she won’t see tomorrow.” My father warns.

My mother pleads with her eyes for me not to leave. She loves Ava just as I do. We both know my father’s warnings are a threat. He won’t hesitate to give the kill order if it gets him closer to what he wants. He doesn’t care who lives or dies. I need a solution and exit strategy ASAP. I am not sure how much Ava is willing to take. I would have walked away already.

Chapter Forty-Nine


“Ava, hold up.” I hear Oliver call. But I can’t stay here anymore. I barely kept it together. I refuse to let them see me cry.

“Marco, I am ready to go home.”

“Of course Ms. O’Brien.” He walks to get the SUV. Oliver catches up. He hands me a handkerchief.


“Listen, back there,” he starts.

“Please, I don’t want to talk about it.” I wipe my face as I wait for Marco.

“I’ll take you home.”

“Marco is getting the SUV. I’ll be fine. Be with Viktor.”

“He can take care of himself. I am coming with you.” Marco pulls up in front of the house. Oliver opens my door and sits in the front with Marco.

As Marco starts driving I can’t help the tears. Looking out the window I find myself reliving all the little moments with Viktor. It feels like a lifetime ago when we first met. When this arrangement started I did not expect to fall in love with him. Him asking me to marry him was the best thing he could have asked. But we need to face reality. His father is never going to let us be happy. He will never accept me.

I can’t stop the tears or the pain I feel. I don’t know how much more I can take. It’s too much. Before I know it, we are passing the gate. The SUV has barely stopped when I am jumping out. I take my shoes off and run inside. I want to be left alone. I want to erase the last few hours. I want to forget. I have to face the hard truth. But living without him is like living without air. He is the air I breathe. How do you choose to live without the air you need?

Upstairs I walk to our bedroom. Last second, I decide against it. I can’t handle being there. Everything reminds me of him, of us. I turn to my bedroom. I don’t know if I can face Viktor tonight. He is going to want to talk and I can’t, not tonight. He is going to tell me how everything is going to be ok. But it isn’t. Dinner tonight made it clear. This isn’t going to amount to anything. I have to move on. We have to move on. I go to the bathroom and wash my face. It's sticky from the drink Fiona threw at me. I throw myself in bed trying to find solace in the silence of the night. I start crying. I found love in front of me where I shouldn’t have. I don’t know how long I am crying before I drift off.


I’m startled awake when I feel someone lifting me off the bed. I start to panic trying to get myself down but I recognize the musky sandalwood scent. Instantly I relax.

“It’s me. Go back to sleep.” He says walking out of the bedroom.

“Where are you taking me?”
