Page 94 of Possession

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I walk over to the bathroom. I’m grateful the line is not as crazy as it can be. Eight minutes or so later I’m walking out of the bathroom. I walk towards the bar but not before eye contact with Marco. I swear he looked like he was holding his breath. I shake my head as I see Tina still dancing. The bar is more crowded and without Marco or Angus is a jungle. I stand and wait for my turn.

“Hi, gorgeous.” I hear from behind me. I chose to ignore the voice. “How long has it been?” Nathan asks now beside me.

“Not long enough.”

“I’ve missed you.” I take two steps closer to the bar away from him.

“Two bottles of water please.”

“Are you not talking to me?” He moves closer.

“Nothing to say.” My goal is to ignore him long enough he will leave or the bartender brings the waters. Where is Marco or Angus when you need them?

“Come on. We have so much history. You look hot.” He grabs my arm and turns me so I am facing him.

“Let go, Nathan.” But he doesn’t. Instead, he pulls me closer. “What the fuck? Let go of me.” I scream trying to push him away. But he is strong.

“I miss you.”

“I suggest if you want to live past tonight you will let go of my wife.” The voice is cold but undeniably Viktor.

“We were just talking. No need for violence.” Nathan mocks letting go of my arm.

“Shut up and go Nathan.” Angus starts pushing him out. Where was he when I needed him?

“What do you think you are doing?” Viktor asks. His eyes are dark and cold.

“I am waiting for two bottles of water.” On cue, the bartender returns with them. “Thanks.”

“I told you to text me when you got here. And why aren’t you in a VIP room?”

“Can we talk about this later?” I move closer trying to diffuse his anger. People are beginning to turn and look at us.


I do a double-take. Not sure why since I shouldn’t expect anything less from him. I guess I was hoping he would surprise me. I turn to leave, not willing to entertain whatever this tantrum is about.

“Where are you going?”

“Taking a bottle of water to Tina.” He grabs the bottle and hands it to Oliver who I did not notice was beside him. Viktor takes my hand and leads us to his office.

“Viktor.” But he doesn’t say anything. We walk into his office. He leads us deep enough where it won’t be easy for me to escape if I want to leave. “What the heck? Let go.” I finally say.

“I told you to text me when you got here. Then I find you being friendly with another man who happens to be your ex.”

“You can’t be serious. Did you not hear when I was telling him to let me go? I know you did since you repeated the same thing.” I take a step back. For him to insinuate anything with Nathan out of all people it is preposterous. I am marrying him. I love him.

“Why were you alone? I told you to have Angus and Marco with you.”

“Marco was with Tina and Angus was away somewhere. I had to go to the bathroom. Did you want them to go into the bathroom with me?” I am annoyed.

“No, but one of them could have waited outside. You can’t be alone. They are well compensated for your safety. Especially Marco. He gets paid well not to leave your side.”

“Are you listening to yourself? I am not a child that needs a babysitter or protection. You keep saying I am safe and nothing is wrong. Clearly, it must be a lie if you persist that I shouldn’t be alone.” I take a few more steps away from him. I put enough distance between us to look at his facial expression and body language. Perhaps it can tell me what he isn’t saying.

“Nothing is wrong. I don’t want you alone. I want you to follow my orders. You agreed the moment I put the ring on your finger.”

“I don’t know what is wrong with you. Why are you acting like this?”
