Page 17 of Big Poppa

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AWEEK PASSES BEFOREwe hear from David again. We both knew he needed time to come to terms with our relationship, but it hurt that he was shutting us out completely. I didn’t want to come between them, but I couldn’t let Cheyanne go, either. She was my everything.

One evening while we were cooking dinner in Chy’s kitchen, my phone rings. When I see David’s name on the screen, my heart leaps into my throat. I answer the call on speaker so Cheyanne can hear the conversation.

“Adrian,” David says gruffly, “Is my daughter with you?”

“She is.”

“I want to talk to the both of you. Can you come over to my house tonight?”

We agreed and made our way to his house, both nervous and unsure of what to expect. When we enter the living room, David is sitting on the couch with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses on the table in front of him.

“I’ve had some time to think,” he says, filling two glasses with liquor. “I don’t understand it. But I saw it. How much you care for each other.”

He gestures for me to have a seat across from him. Cheyanne follows, as David hands me a glass. “Is this what you want?” he asks Cheyanne as he shuffles his glass from one hand to the other. She nods.

“Yes, sir.”

He sucks his teeth. “Then I won’t get in the way.” He takes a sip of whiskey. “I wouldn’t want to miss my own daughter’s wedding after all.”




Idon’t really seewhat the big deal is. It’s obvious Chy and Adrian are crazy about one another and moving in together seems like the logical next step. I’ve been at my sister’s house for the last two hours listening to them discuss whether they should take the next big step in their relationship.

I’ll admit when Dad told me about Cheyanne hooking up with his lifelong bestie, I was shocked. Yeah, I knew Chy had a crush on Adrian — hell, lots of the girls in our circle did when we were kids. He’s a stone-cold stud, charming, sweet, mysterious and sexy as hell. He wasn’t around much when we were little, but as our teen years rolled in, he traded in his military career for work in the private sector. Now he is able to come and go as he pleases instead of being shipped off for active duty whenever Uncle Sam needed him.

Anyway, the fact that Chy had the balls to shoot her shot with Daddy’s BFF is a complete stunner and a hard pill to swallow for a lot of folk. Chy and Adrian have no shortage of haters.

Daddy was dead set against the two of them at first. He was ready to cancel Adrian’s contract, if you know what I mean. But I talked him out of it. I’d hung out with Chy soon after she’d gotten back from Adrian’s compound, and it was beyond obvious that what they had was real.

I hung around Chy’s condo for a few hours until Adrian showed up and the debate on whether they should move in together began.

To be clear I’m only on the side that makes my sister happy and if shacking up with the super mature love of her life gets her going, I’m all for it. I’ll keep a look out for that wedding invitation.
