Page 48 of Devious Roses

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One more hit, and he’ll likely break something.

I’m incapacitated for a brief second. His hit has me seeing double ’til I clench my jaw and force myself to tune into the moment. As he draws his fist back for another crushing punch, I turn the tables and catch his fist when it comes barreling down toward me.

Then I head butt him. I scramble to my feet and catch the glint of the blade he’s dropped on the floor.

LaTessa is screaming at Gangly to do something, but it’s too late. As the long-armed, stringy-necked follower launches his next attack with his blade, I spin around and stab him with the one off the floor.

Straight in his stomach.



The last timeI set foot inside city hall I was sneaking into Dad’s mayoral office. It was after his signed warrant interrupted the private getaway Salvatore and I were on. In retaliation, I sabotaged his phone so I could monitor his transgressions. At last, the person who had done the spying for almost twenty years was the one being spied on.

As the sun rises, so do I, with a specific motive in mind. Dad learned the hard way that I’m prepared to play dirty if necessary. Today Polk will come to understand the same.

Stitches asks twenty questions driving me to city hall. He’s my security for the day, which poses its own unique challenge—Stitches takes Salvatore’s orders to heart. He once stood on the receiving end of a gun and told me he refused to go against Salvatore’s wishes. Even if it meant I pulled the trigger.

Salvatore gave clear instructions from behind bars that Stitches is to watch out for me. He’s to act on Salvatore’s behalf.

The one thing working in my favor is the fact that Stitches can’t physically comeinsideof city hall. Certainly not in broad daylight on a Wednesday.

“Who’re you meeting?”


“Why city hall?”

“Because it’s where one of her clients works.”

“Who’s the client?”

“A council member.”


“It’s confidential.”

He glances in the rearview mirror with both eyebrows high on his forehead.

“It is,” I answer defensively. “A big part of Medjine’s job is crisis management. Half the time, she doesn’t reveal the identity of her clients.”

“Then why are you needed?”

“Have you forgotten we’re in business together?”

“All the more reason for her to tell you who her clients are.”

“You’ll be outside, won’t you? Don’t worry about it.” I turn my head and pretend I’m admiring the downtown city streets we’re driving past, signaling the matter is closed.

Stitches lets out a wary sigh. “I sure hope you’re being honest. It’s my ass on the line if you’re not.”

“It’s going to be fine. Trust me, Francis.”

I give him a reassuring smile as he pulls up outside the historic government building. Should I take too long inside, I’m certain Stitches will follow me up. It won’t matter that the building is teeming with city officials and police officers—he’ll take his chances.

Medjine waits for me in the lobby. She hands me a medium latte, sipping from her own as we set off in step.
