Page 32 of The Only Reason

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I start to lose myself in her, letting everything else go. Letting the scent of her shampoo and the curve of her collar bone replace the nightmares. Memorizing her plump lips and the way her tongue swirls around mine. Hell, the way her tongue swirls around anything of me.

I pull from her lips and start kissing down her chin, neck, and to her collar bone.

“I’m not sure about amazing, but you do have me by your side,” Violet whispers, bringing me to a stop, lips hovering against her skin.

I pull back, looking into her eyes. “You heard?”

“Yes.” She smiles at me, radiating pure happiness.

“And you’re not scared?”

“Why would I be?”


“Where in the hell are they?”Kate screams, storming back and forth at the end of the beds in her red stilettos. She has her dress on but it hasn’t been zipped.

“They’ll be here soon.” Grace is stuck in the middle, reaching for Kate every time she passes by, trying her best to console her. Except she can’t. Kate is full-on crying—like waterproof mascara can’t even withstand her tears.

I don’t waste anymore time. I rush over to her, Dakota right on my heels. “Hey, we’re back.” I grab Kate’s face, forcing her eyes to look at me. “Everything is okay.”

“Where did you go?” Kate cries out, shifting her gaze to Dakota. “Is Austin…” She stops and I can see that Dakota know what Kate can’t say.

“Austin and I just had to have a conversation that has nothing to do with the wedding.”

“Are you sure?” Kate steps past me, walking to Dakota. I watch them, biting at my nail. Grace stands beside me, silent.

“Yes, we just had to deal with something else.”

“He’s not scared? He doesn’t have cold feet?”

I watch Dakota smile widely; a smile I recognize as honest. “He’s not scared. Hell, I’d bet he has the hottest feet here.”

My heart swells. Forty-eight hours might not be enough to others but it is enough to me to at least know that I want to keep Dakota in my life.

“Thank god.” Kate exhales, spinning around with determination on her face. She claps her hands together. “Okay, where are we.” She states it, more so to pull herself together.

“We can get to the chapel if you’re ready?” Grace asks.

“Yes, I’m ready,” she says more confidently. The old Kate is back, it only took a moment for her to slip back into bride mode and make sure we are all ready. Dakota sneaks into the bathroom to get dressed and I make sure we have everything.

I double check the mental list I created, something old, new, borrowed and blue are all accounted for as well as our bouquets, Kate’s veil, and Kate’s change of clothes for any photos after the ceremony. Is it still called a ceremony if an Elvis impersonator is performing it?

Dakota walks out of the bathroom in a black dress that makes my jaw drop. It highlights those curves I spent last night learning while making her bright curls pop. I can’t wait to get a chance to peel it off of her later. I hope I’ll get the chance.

“Wow,” I say audibly.

“This old thing?” Dakota fluffs her curls and blows me a kiss, which I pretend to catch and Grace fakes a gag behind her.

“We get it, y’all are cute,” she teases as Kate is looking in the mirror, checking everything over for the tenth time. I walk over and take her hand.

“Hey, it’s going to be okay.” I pause. “You want this right? Austin?”

“Of course.” She nods.

“Then you have nothing to worry about, you have this.” I smile. She shakes her head and we finally agree to leave the hotel room so we’re not running behind.

We Uber to the chapel, Kate’s leg shaking the entire time we’re driving there. Grace and I shoot each other a look, we have never seen Kate so nervous. She is the calm one amongst us. Dakota offered to sit in the front, which makes me miss her but also allows for her to grab some candids. Until the Uber driver threatens to kick her out if she doesn’t buckle up. Dakota smiles at me from the side mirror and I can’t help but smile back. Driving here makes me wonder how Dakota feels about weddings and marriage. Which I know is crazy, you can’t bring that up to someone you’ve known for two days. And I wouldn’t, but that doesn’t mean my mind can’t wander.
