Page 46 of Reckless Fate

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I stumble forward, mentally checking to confirm my jaw isn’t slack. Jesus, that’s what I call an entrance. All awkward on my part and all hot on his.

“Are you okay?” Massi frowns.

“The view behind you gives you an unfair advantage.” I speak harshly because I’m flustered, so I add more softly, “You look great.”

“It’s just the view behind me, Blue. You, on the other hand, would look amazing even if you were in the middle of a swamp.” He winks and steps closer to me.

A bit too close because his scent robs me of what little reason I have left. He leans down and kisses my cheeks and I have to grip his shoulder to remain standing. I’m thrilled and disappointed by the greeting.

“I’d show you around, but this is it.” He turns, and with his hand on the small of my back he ushers me forward. Oh, but what does that touch do to me. “I mean, there is a bedroom as well, but I don’t want to presume by leading you there right now.”

I make a sound somewhere between choking, gasping and giggling. It takes me three deep breaths before I regain my dignity and speak normally. “So, this is just a simple one-bedroom.”

Massi chuckles. “Okay, there is a guest room and a library.”

“Oh, I see, just the bare minimum.” I narrow my eyes now, teasing.

“And a gym and rooftop terrace.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t deserve a tour,” I deadpan.

He gazes at me through his thick eyelashes, looking so handsome and nonchalant I want to jump at him and never let go.

“I’m happy to show you around. But why don’t I offer you a drink first?” But he doesn’t move, studying me intently.

He seems completely at ease, eating me with his eyes, while I struggle to compose myself. The energy in the room is zapping with tension, and if he doesn’t kiss the hell out of me within the next few minutes I might just burst into flames.

“I’ll have a glass of wine. Not sure what we’re eating, so I’ll let you choose.” I turn to the window, pretending to soak in the green colors of the park below us, but really just trying to get my shit together.

Seriously, what’s wrong with me? I know the man. I’ve slept with the man. I’ve argued with him. We’ve been there, we’ve done it all so to speak, so why am I such a mess?

“I’m making lamb, so I opened Sierra Cantabria, Rioja.” He startles me, his words warm on my skin. How can he walk so quietly? Like a jaguar. There is no doubt in my mind, Massi is a predator tonight. The question is how long he plans to toy with me. And will I be a worthy opponent?

He steps away. I know because he takes the heat with him. Before I get enough air into my lungs, he’s back. He snakes his hand around me, offering me the glass of red. His mouth is so close to my ear, his breath grazes my skin, erupting goosebumps on my nape. He’s not yet touching me and my underwear is soaked, my core tingling with the need.

For crying out loud! I need to snap out of it.

It’s the involuntary abstinence that has me this wound up. What else could it be? Well, if I’m honest, there is no other man in the world my body responds to the way it does to Massi. It’s like we were born to mate. If only our hearts and brains would align so perfectly.

“You’re splurging on me.” The fact he owns such an expensive wine surprises me less than the significance of him casually opening it for me. “Do you dazzle all your lady guests with pricey wines?”

His body tenses behind me. “I assure you, Blue, you’re my first lady friend in this apartment. Besides my mom and sisters. Actually, I think only Syd and Paris have been here.”

I turn to face him. “Did you just move in?”

He flinches. “No, Blue.” The annoyance in his voice is barely hidden. “I’ve lived here for seven years now, but you’re the first woman I’ve invited here.” His chest heaves with shallow breaths. Here we are again, my insecurity winding him up.

“This view is breathtaking.” My trembling belies the casual attitude I want to portray. I take a gulp of the wine. Way more than this wine deserves because it should be savored.Get your shit together.

“I agree.” He bites his lips, his eyes on me.

Screw it. I can’t do this. “Massi, I’m really nervous.” There. We’ve never tried honesty. Perhaps it’s time to start.

“Me too.”

My eyes widen. “You don’t seem nervous at all.”

“I’ve been biting my nails since this morning. I changed tonight’s menu three times. Hell, I changed my T-shirt a few times, which is a considerable achievement since I only own white or black ones.”
