Page 8 of Reckless Fate

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Mila appeared in my life ten years ago when she was so young and inexperienced that only my inability to offer her a reasonable salary had qualified her for a job as my personal assistant. Lucky for me, her eagerness to stay in LA and partially her spontaneous nature made her accept my ridiculous offer.

And as it turned out, Mila was a godsend, and thanks to her knowledge and enjoyment of social media she helped me bring my business to a completely new level. We worked well together until six months ago, when she decided to move to New York. She broke up with her fiancé—a lovely man—and took off. She’s never volunteered any details, so I don’t pry.

“You’re still bitter about it?” She tosses her long blond hair and I’m not sure if she is dismissing my comment or hiding her discomfort. “But now you’re here and we can work together again,” she chirps.

“Are you sure you can take on this one? I don’t want to interfere with your current gigs. What are you up to anyway?”

The server brings our drinks and recites the specials before taking our order.

“I’m freelancing and you’re lucky I’m available to take on your project.” She wiggles her shoulders in delight.

“That’s great. Until I sort things out with my mother I don’t want to sit around. I need a distraction. We’ll meet the client tomorrow and see what time commitment the project requires.”

“Sounds great. How are things with your mom?”

The heavy sigh that escapes me says more about my feelings regarding this unexpected responsibility than I’ve been willing to admit to myself.

“Not so good. I need to find a home for her and put the house on the market. It may take days or weeks, but hopefully I can sort things out quickly before I’ll be forced to fly back and forth.”

“Everything okay back home? How is Sebastien?” Mila plays with her straw, her eyes simultaneously on me and darting around. It’s her superpower. She can be fully engaged in a conversation and absorb her surroundings at the same time. To others she might look distracted, but I know she’s anything but.

“He’s doing well, probably thrilled to have the place to himself.” I pull my phone out to check if he called or texted and a wave of disappointment washes over me.

“Perhaps you should hook up with someone while you’re here. That would cheer you up.” She claps her hands, then grabs her phone, probably ready to call one of the available men who shower her with attention. Not even when she was wearing an engagement ring was she saved from unwanted flirting. She is beautiful and sexy, but it’s her girl-next-door vibe that wins people around.

“I’ve just buried my father, lost control of my life on the West Coast by default, and found out that my parents’ finances are in a less-than-ideal state. I’ve never found hook-ups attractive and I’m certainly not inclined to consider them now.”

“Your loss. I met these two guys last month and the quality of orgasms is therapeutic. I’m sure they would be interested, and I don’t mind sharing.” She winks at me and for a moment I’m not sure if I envy her lack of inhibition or if her casual statement horrifies me.

My brain cycles through several parts of that statement. Sex with two men. Her willingness to share. And the therapeutic properties of an orgasm. I could use a handful of the last. Or at least one. It’s been way too long. Not that my vibrator doesn’t deliver, but still…

“You’re sleeping with two men at the same time?” I whisper for some reason. “I can’t imagine having sex with two men.”

“Don’t sound so scandalized.” She takes a generous gulp of her drink. “Though to be honest the first time it was kind of stressful, but it got really amazing quickly after that.” She bites her bottom lip, shrugging gleefully.

“You did it more than once?” Now it’s my turn to down my drink. God, these are good. I wave to order another round. “I wouldn’t be able to think what to do first, or next, for that matter.” I chuckle.

“Think? Why would you think while having sex?” Mila shakes her head, laughing.

“I have a brain. I can’t stop thinking.”

The server brings our entrees and the aroma of thyme and lemon tickles my nose.

“Andthatis your problem.”

I laugh. “And a threesome would solve that?”

“It just might.” With her fork Mila spears a tomato from her salad and wiggles it in my direction before turning it playfully to her mouth, where her teeth slide it off as if it was the most decadent chocolate in the world.

That’s the problem with having a younger, sexy, sensual and very graceful friend. You always feel less. Perhaps a threesome would solve some of my issues. My self-confidence would definitely get a boost…ifit’s really as good as she claims.

“You’re insane.” I say out loud to Mila, but it’s a warning for me too.

“Okay, I mean it in the kindest way ever, but I’m certainly more satisfied and happier than you. All I’m saying is that sometimes you just need to let go. Stop trying to control everything.”

* * *

“Where have you been? You know how late it is, young lady? Way past your curfew.” My mom appears in the hallway.
