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I hadn’t meant to. It hadn’t been part of the plan. But it had been impossible not to.

I walked out of the bathroom in sweatpants and Luca’s T-shirt. My skin already itched from all the extra fabric, but it was for the best. Wearing my normal skimpy pajamas didn’t really seem fair to either of us.

Luca was in bed, his back against the headboard, laptop on his legs. He glanced at me over the screen.

“What are you wearing?” he groused.

“My pajamas.” I climbed into bed, situating myself on the edge, and grabbed my Kindle.

He’d been grumpy with me all night, though he was sweet to Clara, making sure she had everything she needed in the guest room down the hall. She hadn’t even peeked into my bedroom, so moving all my things probably hadn’t been necessary, but it was better safe than sorry.

Luca was still looking at me. “Those aren’t your pajamas.”

I plucked at my T-shirt. “I borrowed this. I promise to wash it before I return it.”

“I don’t mind my clothes smelling like you, Saoirse. I’m wondering why you’re wearing them.”

“It’s better this way.”

I turned on my Kindle, blindly flipping the pages while he stared. Eventually, he looked away from me, returning his attention to his computer.

In my head, I rolled to Luca’s side of the bed and snuggled into his side while I read and he worked. In my fantasy, every once in a while, he’d reach over, stroke my hair, or drop a kiss on the top of my head.

Instead, we spent the next hour in silence, a cold stretch of mattress between us. Eventually, I gave in and said good night. I couldn’t stand one more minute of this strained atmosphere.

Besides, Iwastired. Starting a new company was no joke. Peak Strategies officially had two clients. Kenji and a tech startup. Actual strangers had hired us. Miles and I had been throwing our whole selves into this venture.

The problem was I couldn’t get comfortable. My legs felt like they were tangled in fabric, and my shirt kept twisting around my torso every time I moved. But I couldn’t stop moving because I was being suffocated by my own pajamas.

So, I turned.



Sighed out my frustrations.

“Is this you sleeping like a corpse?” Luca had closed his laptop and turned off the lights a while ago. I’d assumed he was asleep. Obviously, I’d been wrong.

“Sorry. I’m trying to get comfortable. I’ll be still.”

I tried. I really did. I lay there until Luca’s breathing evened out and tried to convince myself it was soothing. And it was. It was just that I felt like I had ropes around my legs.

I decided to kick off my sweatpants. I was under the covers, so he wouldn’t see if he happened to wake up before me.

Raising my hips, I wiggled the loose pants down. They were around my knees when Luca cleared his throat.

“What’s happening now?”

I shoved them the rest of the way off. “I took off my pants.”

“Is this a seduction technique I’m unaware of?”

“It’s not. I thought you were asleep.”

“I was, but then the bed started rocking and rolling.”

I snorted, rubbing my bare legs on the smooth sheets. Much better. “You’re being dramatic.”
