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I cocked my head, unsure why he was asking. We didn’t usually exchange niceties. “I’m back.”

“That’s great. Don’t worry about Clementine. I kept her company the last few days. Easy as pie.”

I stared at him, unsure if my exhaustion was confusing me more than I thought. “You took care of my cat?”

He nodded slowly, his brow furrowing. “Sure. Mrs. Rossi asked me to. Did I do something wrong?”

I stepped back, shaking my head.What the fuck?Why would Saoirse have asked this guy to take care of Clem?

Needing to go upstairs and get to the bottom of what was going on, I offered a quick thanks and strode to the elevator, punching the button for the penthouse.

The minute I walked in the door, Clementine came striding up to me. I scooped her into my arms and kissed the top of her head.

“Where’s your mother?”

She meowed, which wasn’t any help. But I didn’t need my cat to tell me the condo was empty. Saoirse’s presence was unmistakable, and this morning, it was absent. If not for Clem, I would have said my home felt hollowed out.

But maybe that was just me.

I had to get my life together. With Miller gone and Clara out on leave, Rossi needed me to be there more than ever. I should have been taking a power nap, a quick shower, throwing on a suit, and heading into the office. It was the responsible thing to do.

Duty to my family and my company had me swaying on my feet. I needed to make a move, but which way?

I really only had to think for a few seconds before my choice was obvious.

My next move would be in the direction of Saoirse, wherever she had gone.

Carrying Clem through the condo, I searched for clues. My stomach clenched with disappointment at the empty den. I’d been holding out hope I’d find her in there.

Clem jumped out of my arms when I entered our bedroom. Saoirse’s scent hung in the air but nowhere near strong enough for my liking. She’d invaded every corner of my home. Of me. And I never wanted to go back to the cobwebs that had been there before. She’d brought so much light and sweetness.

There was a sheet of paper in the center of our bed. Unmissable. I sat down on the edge and picked it up. My hand shook as I read.


I’m going to spend some time in Wyoming to give us both the space I think we need. I’ll be working from the ranch for the next two weeks. When I come back, I hope we can sit down and have a conversation about where we go from here. If you want to end the arrangement completely, I understand. There won’t be any hard feelings on my end.

If you need anything, or if something changes with Clara and the baby, please let me know and I’ll be back as soon as I can get there. No matter what happens with us, I’ll always be there if you need me.

I want you to know I really do love you. I’m sorry we ended things on bad terms. I’m pretty shattered over this, to be honest.

Be well. I’ll talk to you soon.


Your Inconvenient Wife

Why the hell did this sound like a goodbye?

Because you told her to go, motherfucker.

We weren’t finished. Not by a long shot. And there was no way I was waiting two weeks to have a conversation with my wife.

Especially when she’d signed her letter like that. My hand twitched with the need to remind her there wasnothinginconvenient about her, despite what I had said.

I rubbed my thumb over my wedding band and slipped it off to look at the inscription I’d discovered the day we got married.

The day I knew I had gotten in over my head.
