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“You mentioned you were friends, and I’m not really aware of you having other male friends. Unless—”

“No, I’m not a lesbian.”

“It would be fine if you were, Saoirse.”

“I know, but I’m not. The person I’m seeing is very much a guy.”

“Won’t you tell me who he is?”

I scrambled for an acceptable answer. If I made someone up out of thin air, she’d know because she’d sic Peter on the name the second we hung up. Probably before, if she could swing it.

Puffing up my cheeks, I slowly exhaled. “Luca. I’m seeing Elliot and Weston’s friend, Luca.”

She paused. “Rossi?”

“Yes,” I pushed out, hating myself for lying to my own mother.

“And it’s serious?”

“We’re committed. He’s my boyfriend.”


“Yes, Mom. I wouldn’t be with him if he wasn’t.”

“Of course you wouldn’t. You’re smarter than that.”

Was I? I was feeling pretty freaking stupid right now.

She peppered me with a few more questions that I shut down as well as I could, then, at exactly twelve thirty, she let me go. It must’ve been time for her next appointment.

With a groan, I let my head drop into my hands. I’d have to make up some spectacular breakup story before our next scheduled call. At least I could tell her I was too heartbroken to date and buy myself some leeway.

The chair across from me scraped on the stone patio. I looked up, shocked to find Luca Rossi settling across from me, a devious smirk playing on his lush lips.

“Hello, Saoirse.” My name slipped from his tongue like rich, smooth cream.

“Hi, Luca.”

He leaned back in his chair, draping his long arm across the back of the one beside it.

“We’re dating, are we?”

My nose crinkled. “Did you really have to hear that?”

He chuckled, low and silky. “I don’t know if I had to, but I did.”

“I’m not crazy,” I told him.

“I find sane people don’t have to tell others they’re not crazy.”

“Well, maybe I am crazy, but I’m not delusional. I know we’re not dating. I was speaking to my mother, and she was threatening to set me up on yet another date, so I told her I had a boyfriend, and your name was the first that popped into my head.”

His brow winged. “Why is that? Have you been thinking about me?”

“It’s hard not to when your last name is all over the building I’ve been going to the last three weeks.”

He hummed, his eyes raking over me. “Why does your mother want you to date so badly you feel the need to lie to her?”
