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Charlie made a strangled sound. “That’s—”

She pinned him with a hard stare. “It’s true and you know it. But Luca Rossi is hotter than ninety-eight percent of the male population, so don’t get too disheartened.”

When we arrived back at the office, I noticed a few people looking at me as I walked by them on my way to my desk. I wondered why I was suddenly so interesting. I checked the compact mirror I kept in my desk drawer. There wasn’t food on my face or blouse, so I shrugged it off. I had a full inbox of emails to answer and tasks to complete before the end of the day.

The subject of the company-wide email from Luca Rossi, CEO of Rossi Motors, stopped me in my tracks.

Personal Announcement

Holy shit. He couldn’t have.

I clicked it, the blood draining from my face when it opened. At the very top of the email was a picture Judge Hernandez had taken of us on our wedding day.

He’d done it.

He’d really done it.

Without any discussion, Luca had announced our marriage to the entire company.

Dear Rossi employees,

It is my intention as your CEO to be honest and open with you. Sometimes that will mean sharing bad news and personal failures, but other times, like now, I’ll share my triumphs.

It’s with great happiness I announce my marriage to my new bride, Saoirse Kelly-Rossi. We were married in a private ceremony at our home, and we’re looking forward to what the future has in store for us.

Thank you for your continued support of Rossi Motors, the Rossi family, and of me.


Luca Rossi

As soon as I finished reading, Charlie walked into my cubicle, waving his phone around.

“Is this you? Is he talking about you?”

Swallowing, I nodded slowly and forced out a grin. “Surprise!”

The furrow in his brow belied his carefully measured words. “Congratulations are in order then.”

“Thank you, Charlie.”

Silence stretched between us as he stared at my computer monitor. I realized belatedly my wedding picture was filling the screen.

I was all out of grace and subtilty when I minimized it, but it snapped Charlie’s attention back to me.

“You could have told me at lunch instead of letting me spout off. I feel like an idiot.”

“No, don’t.” I was going to kill Luca for putting me in this position. “You didn’t do anything wrong. And don’t worry about what you said. I won’t repeat it.”

His shoulders slumped forward. “Thanks for that.”

I fielded several more visits before Amelia sent out a department-wide email reminding everyone it was still a workday and to keep private matters outside of the office. The visits petered out after that, but I had no doubt I was the subject of many interoffice private messages.

And yet, I hadn’t heard a single thing from Luca.

Foregoing an email, I texted him.

Me:Send me the code for the elevator. We need to talk.
