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Neither Weston nor Elliot spoke. They were waiting for me to expand on my request, but I was still deciding how much I wanted to say.

To be honest, I was still sorting through the conversation Clara and I had this morning.

Clara walked in and flung herself into one of the chairs in front of my desk.

“Good morning to you,” I said, barely looking up from my computer.

“I think Miller’s cheating on me.”

That got me to look up. “What makes you think that?”

“A feeling. He’s more distracted than ever. Secretive with his phone. He’s coming home late when I know he’s not at the office.” Her chin wobbled as she broke off and looked away. “I might be crazy, Luc. I asked him, and he swore he’s not being unfaithful and never would be, but something’s going on with him—”

“I’ll talk to him.”

“No.” She cradled her belly. “No, I’m probably wrong. I don’t want to blow everything up on a feeling.”

I decided to expand. “Clara’s dumb fuck of a husband might be cheating.Orhe might be innocent and Clara’s hormones are running wild.”

Elliot shifted, resting his elbow on the table. “I have contacts. I’ll send you names.”

“What are you going to do if you find something?” Weston asked.

My fingers curled tight into my palm. “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I’ve always known Miller was an idiot—”

Weston frowned. “He’s your CFO.”

“He’s good with numbers. That, I trust him with.” I dragged my hand down my face, frustrated to be in this position. “I used to think I trusted him with my sister too. Even if he isn’t betraying her, he’s stressing her out, which makes him an idiot.”

“You’re not letting this stand, are you?” Elliot intoned. He didn’t play around when it came to his sister. Elise’s ex-boyfriend had mistreated her, and he’d basically extracted her from her old life without a trace. I was certain he expected my response to be no less mercenary for my sister.

“I won’t. First, I need to gather facts. Once I know for sure, I’ll do what needs to be done.”

Elliot dipped his chin. “I have contacts for that too, if you need them.”

Weston slowly shook his head. “I’ve known you since we were little kids, but in times like these, I question if I even know you at all.”

I chuckled. “Does it really surprise you that Elliot has a contact for every situation that might arise?”

Elliot lifted a shoulder. “It’s simply good planning.”

“For every contingency,” I added.

“Exactly,” he agreed.

Weston let out a sigh. “Is everything else going well? Happy wife, happy life?”

“Yeah, all is well on the marriage front.” I smoothed my tie, only half-guilty at the lie I kept telling these two men. “Being married to Saoirse is easier than I ever expected.”

That part wasn’t a lie.

“I’m glad. There aren’t many women like Saoirse out there.” Weston pointed his chopsticks at me. “But if you could tell your wife to stop poaching my employees, that would be great. I’m already losing Miles to her. She can’t take any others.”

I shot him a bemused grin. “What do you mean?”

He waved me off, picking up a piece of sushi. “I’m only kidding. To be honest, I haven’t seen Miles as enthusiastic and committed to anything since they started planning their business. I don’t want to do anything to dampen that. If they want to take Simon and Rebecca, they can have them. Although, I draw the line at Elise. She’s staying at Andes.”

In the back of my mind, I remembered Saoirse vaguely mentioning working on something with Miles, but that was all it was. Vague.
