Page 19 of Three's A Crown

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Magnolia elbows me in the ribs as the prince holds out his hand for mine.

“Sorry, I’m Princess Rosalie,” I say, giving the prince a small smile before my eyes again stray back to his guard.

The prince notices and looks between his guard and us. A sly grin falls across his plump lips. “This is my best friend and bodyguard, Greyson,” the prince introduces him. “He would be the third wheel in our marriage, so to speak. You won’t just be getting me.” The prince chuckles as his bodyguard, Greyson, chokes at his comment.

I don’t think the prince was meaning for that to sound as dirty as it did, but I am all in if it means I get them both.

Greyson holds out his hand for us to shake, and as soon as our hands touch, a tiny spark of electricity shoots through my body. He must feel it too, as his forehead crinkles with a frown. The next thing we know, the prince is being called away.

“Sorry, I must cut this short. It was so lovely to meet you all, and I will come and find you three again,” the prince tells us before he and his guard disappear into the crowd.

“What the hell was that?” Magnolia whisper-yells at me.

“What?” I question.

“You … you were flirting with the guard. What are you playing at?” Her ice-blue eyes narrow on me.

“Skylar had the prince’s attention. Didn’t think he was interested in me.”

“Why would he be interested in someone who was more interested in his bodyguard than him? Men like the prince have egos the size of their countries, thinking he isn’t the fairest of the land is not the way to play this,” Magnolia states angrily.

“Sorry, the guard was distractingly hot,” I argue.

“Could you imagine a prince and bodyguard sandwich,” Skylar adds with a chuckle.

Why yes, I can, quite easily.

“What is wrong with you two? Especially you.” Magnolia points at me. “At home you gave all this attitude and now you finally get to the main event and you choke,” my sister hisses through gritted teeth. She’s upset with me. Granted, I think I kind of deserve it; still, I’m not appreciating her vibe now. Maybe I do need to slow down on the champagne. I’ve let my anxiety take hold, and I’ve been self-medicating with bubbles which is why we are now where we are. I’ve let the team down. I need to do better. I will do better. “We don’t have the prince,yet.Whatever you’re doing, stop it!”

“I’m sorry, Maggie. I think I drank one too many champagnes to calm my nerves and then got distracted by something pretty,” I tell her.

“Go for a walk, clear your head, grab a water, then come back with your game face on because we are not leaving here until one of you snags the prince,” my sister orders.

Placing the glass of champagne down on the table beside me, I give my sisters a wave as I disappear into the crowd and head toward the gardens.

Focus, Rosalie.



“Thoughts?” Auggie asks me as we take a couple of moments by ourselves in the garden. The mind-numbing conversations he’s been having with the princesses have given me a headache, and I need a moment alone with him so we can chat about where his head is at.

“A lot of beautiful women but all of them are annoying as fuck.” I sigh as we walk further into the gardens.

“Not everyone.” Auggie smirks, then elbows me in the ribs.

Rosalie Moore, the girl with the attitude from the photos. She was more beautiful than I thought she could be. Hair that cascaded down her back like ribbons of chocolate gold. She was wearing an innocent-looking yellow dress that was demure and classic until she took a step and the thigh-high split showed legs that went on for miles, certainly grabbing our attention.

“The princesses from Aegina were hot,” Auggie adds.

“They are three very beautiful women,” I agree.

“And?” he pushes.

“The blonde seemed a little desperate,” I add.

“Their folios say that they have creditors breathing down their necks, so I understand they are in a predicament,” Auggie adds diplomatically.
