Page 101 of The Spy

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She sighed. "We don't have to be enemies, Tabatha. Honestly. I just want what's best for you."

"No, I'm pretty sure you want what's best for you."

"Has Tate even given you any actual intel?"

"I don't think I am cleared to discuss anything with you."

She frowned. "What are you talking about? I'm MI5. I have clearance for this mission."

"Okay, then why don't you go to my Ops Commander and ask him?"

Her gaze narrowed. "Because I'm asking you."

"Like I said, I follow the chain of command. My Ops Command knows what I know. You can ask him. He's right next door if you're looking for him."

Her gaze flicked to my front door, then back to me. "Wow, so he's close."

"He's not there tonight, but any night I meet with your friend Jennings Tate he is. He's always listening in. He has all the intel that I have."

"I sent you in to be Jennings’s girlfriend. I see that that hasn't developed yet."

"Well, after a psychological analysis, we identified that Jennings would respect a woman who took her time before jumping into bed with someone. That's the way we played it."

"Well, a man will only wait around for so long, won't he?"

"If you say so."

"Eventually, my darling, you are going to have to put out. Men only trust women they have seen naked."

"Is that true, or is that what you've been led to believe? I mean hey, if that works for you, that works for you. I'm doing what works for me.”

She sighed and pushed to her feet. "We're not enemies, Tabatha."

"Okay. So you keep telling me."

"Don't wait too long with Tate. Do whatever you need to do to get the information we need."

"Is that a directive? Are you telling me to fuck him?"

The smile she gave me had just a hint of nastiness to it. "I'm saying, love, sometimes you just have to suck a dick. It's been weeks now. Move the relationship along."

“Gabe and Saff didn't mention that they'd briefed you, so how do you know exactly where our relationship is?"

Her smile was tight. "Don't make me disappointed that I put you on this mission, Tabatha. I think you have a lot to live up to."

"Well, thanks for that. And by the way, next time you want to speak with me, go through the proper channels. I wouldn't want to have to report this to HR."

She laughed. "HR? You're not serious."

"Well, I mean, it is a little bit untoward. Oversight turns up and tells me that I need to fuck the asset. My understanding was that we're trying to pump him for information and then leverage it. If I have to fuck him, I'll do what I need to do. But it is very curious that you think that's the only way I'm going to get it."

She laughed. "Oh, you think you are so smart."

"Nah, I'm a medium smart, with a great personality and nice tits. It works for me."

"Watch your back. Gabriel Webb can't protect you from everything."

"I'm aware of that. Nor do I need him to."
