Page 108 of The Spy

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The first tear spilled. "You drive like a madman." I swiped it away angrily.

"I know. I know."

Jennings was trying to get to his feet, trying to squirm and slither away. Gabe hauled him up by his tie and then punched him straight in the nose. “Do us all a favor and stay down. I’ll be cross if I have to chase you in these shoes.” Jennings sagged on the pavement when Gabe gave him another punch to the face.

He turned to me then, approaching slowly. "You're okay. I've got you."

I shook, trying to force moisture back into my mouth. "I'm an agent. I know how to defend myself, but I—"

"You're okay. You are okay. I promise, I've got you."

My head swam and started to spin. "How did this happen?"

"I suspect he drugged you. Right now, it's all that makes sense. Are you ready to move?"

I could barely move my legs. "Where are we?"

He hiked a thumb toward a bridge. "The Thames is that way. Come on. There's a boat waiting for us right there."

I frowned. "The team?"

"He was telling the truth. Someone triggered the silent alarm. But everyone made it out okay. You know Saff. Leave no one behind, leave no one to question."

I smiled. "Is this over? Did we get what we needed? Or do I have to go back?"

"You're never going back."

I sagged against him.



Unable to shake the fear of what could have happened in the solitude of the car.

All this because Gennifer Goode wanted to teach me a lesson? I wanted that woman's head on a pike.



"Are you regretting Jennings?"

I frowned at Lachlan, who drank a glass of scotch as he sat on the leather couch in my office.

I forced my jaw to loosen. "No. We will deal with him. I just need you guys to show me the data."

"Are you going to go check on her?"

Check on her? Was he fucking kidding me? I hadn’t wanted to leave her bloody side as she was getting checked out in medical, but we were still on an active mission, and I was still Ops Command. I frowned. "She's fine. Give me the data."

“Gabe,” he said then pressed his lips together.

I knew that judgement face well. The sooner he gave me what I needed, the sooner I could be down there with her. Not to mention she was right when she said Tate wasn't mine to finish, he was hers. So no, I was going to do the work. Bring it in. Focus.

Saff placed a hand on her husband's knee. “Gabe is doing what Tabatha would. Let's finish this up so we can go see her.”

"Show me what you've got."
