Page 14 of The Spy

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By the time we read the text, Saff was almost to us and Tabatha pointed toward the pathway to the right. "We know what’s down the other way, let’s have a look this direction."

We barged into the room with Saff and Amelia following right behind. There we found three naked women, blindfolded, bound, and on their knees. Saff and Tabatha ran forward. I yanked off my robe, immediately covering one of the women. Tabatha did the same. And then I also chucked off my tuxedo suit jacket and placed it on the other one.

We took off their blindfolds, and Saff spoke first. "You're free. You're safe. We're here to help you."

One of the women's eyes went wide. "What? No, I was promised."

Saff frowned. "Promised what?"

"I was promised I'd be purified with love through my blood bond. I’m ready to sacrifice my pussy.”

Saff and Amelia exchanged glances. Tabatha glanced back at me, like I knew what the fuck to do. Cult activity was not my forte.

"Let's get them out of here. We'll sort it out later."

Amelia had called in the rest of her team, and that was how the gala ended. With Interpol riding in on their white horses.

What the hell had just happened here?

Whatever it was, it was not what we thought and not completely in line with the supposed evidence we’d been given.

A full thirty minutes later, Amelia and I had the chance to interview one of the supposed victims, a woman named Mariah Cunning. She was pissed off at us for ruining the "ceremony."

Tonight was to be her purification ritual that we interrupted. And as it turned out, our would-be human trafficker wasn't trafficking anyone. The women we found bound were all volunteers, above age eighteen and happily joining a sex cult.

Yup, that was right.

A sex cult.

Lachlan and Saint were going to be dining on this one for weeks. Fucking weeks dragging my arse through the mud.

We had been called in on false evidence.

So far, we'd only found the three women. Other attendees of the gala hadn't even known what the hell was going on. Which, I supposed, was promising. It wasn't like they had knowingly attended a sex cult party.

For fuck's sake, what the hell was wrong with people?

I liked to think things were simple. Bad guys, good guys. We ran in and stopped something truly evil from happening.

But oh no! We didn't stop anything actually evil. Unless the true evil was some of the haircuts that we'd seen in there.

Nothing untoward was going on there at all. Just your everyday, run-of-the-mill idiots doing dumb things voluntarily.

So I hadn't kissed Tabatha for Queen and Country after all.

Oh no, you kissed her because you wanted to.

I found my team, shoes in hand, getting a debrief from Amelia. "Um, we want to thank Rogues for your assistance. Sorry there was no trafficker here for you to apprehend."

I shrugged. "It was a joint effort, and we are part of the team."

She laughed. "Yes, but I know you’re part of the team that we only call for extreme emergencies. Which is what I honestly thought this was."

I shrugged. "No harm, no foul. Glad to be of service."

She nodded. "Why don't you all get some rest? It's been a long night, and my feet are killing me."

Just when I turned to dismiss the team, I caught sight of Tabatha chatting with Phineas Devlin, who had been in the van with Kaya for training purposes. He casually threw his jumper over her shoulder, and I gritted my teeth.
