Page 143 of The Spy

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Everything fucking hurt. The stupid bullet had wound its way between two ribs. Surgery had been successful and I’d be fine, but it would add another scar to my collection. Right now, breathing was painful. I wouldn't be going in the field for a minute, but I wasn't worried about any of that. All I wanted was Tabatha.

I remembered waking up post-surgery, seeing her, and trying to talk to her. Was her sister, okay?

Do you mean the bitch who got you shot?

Whether she was with the Syndicate or not, she was still Tabatha's sister. I’d had to save her even if it meant Tabatha was going to be visiting her behind glass in the foreseeable future. When I shuffled out of my room, Chris, the medic on duty, frowned at me. "You know I'm only letting you go because you're Ops Command. You're not supposed to leave. You had surgery less than forty-eight hours ago."

"I'm aware. I'm just checking on the other patient."

"Her surgery went fine. She only got hit in the shoulder. She's just cranky."

"Fine. I'll check for myself then."

I inched forward. Jesus Christ, that shit hurt. Rolling my IV along with me, I nodded at the guards in front of Kira's room as I waited for them to open the door for me.

And there she was in bed, clanging in her chains. When she lifted her head, she frowned. "Ugh, at least it's you. I expected my sister with her sanctimonious I'm-disappointed-in-you face. You're not here to tell me you're disappointed in me, are you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know you. I also don't care about you, so you're incapable of disappointing me."

She scowled at me then. "Funny. So you're not disappointed in me, but you’re still a sanctimonious arsehole."

"If that's what you want to believe. I just have a few questions for you."

"I'm not talking to you."

"Fine. You don't have to talk, but you know, glancing around, my thought is maybe you don't want to be here. You might want to be somewhere a little more comfortable. But hey, you do you. If this is your dog's bone, then I'm happy to keep you here."

She rattled her wrists again. "You can get me the fuck out of here?"

I shrugged. "Well, we can see about it. You will still be locked up, but it must be hard for Tabatha to see you like this, so I can arrange for something better."

"You're a fucking sap. You really would have fucking just given her whatever she wanted. You let the Syndicate take you."

I eased into one of the chairs. I was frankly concerned with how exhausted I was.

"You know, it must be so tiring to be constantly disappointed. To have everyone know the worst thing about you and to judge you for it."

"I don't care that anyone is judging me. I don't care about anyone."

"You know that's not true, is it? You left Riley behind on purpose. My guess is you wanted him looked after, which is almost kind of nice."

"You don't know anything about me."

“You're right. I don't know a damn thing about you. And honestly, we can keep it that way. But I do want to know why you did all of this. You wanted some attention, and now you’ve got mine, so enlighten me."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

"My sister thinks she's so great. Everyone rushes to kiss her ass."

"Is that what you think about Tabs?" I asked, my brows furrowed.

"She's got you, doesn't she? Someone to look after her, take care of her. Riley and I were left to our own devices."

"Is that the story you tell yourself?"

She scowled. "What?"
