Page 38 of The Spy

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"What is your problem? Yes, I understand. Meet the guy, get him interested, get access to him, his life, his computers. I understand."

His voice dipped an octave. "But you need to take it seriously because he might expect you to shag him. Remember what we talked about. Stay close, but never initiate contact. Let him smell your perfume. Just a hint of it, then step out of range. It’ll drive him mad."

“I know.” We’ been going over asset management for days now. I knew forty ways to draw an asset into me. Make them feel sorry for me. Attempt to take care of me. Not be overly sexual, but teasingly enticing. When he made his move, decline. And keep declining, but keep spending time with him.

“You think you know. But you need to draw this out. It’s what the psych profile says. If it’s too easy he’ll lose interest. So make him work for it. And never give in unless you think it’s the only option.”

I blinked rapidly. I wasn't an idiot. I just prayed we could get what we needed before that time. “I’ll figure out what feels right. Get off my tits, mate.”

His brow furrowed and the scowl settled on his handsome features. "What are you going to do, Tabatha? Are you just going to fuck him?" His voice was all menace and ice.

"Who I fuck or don't fuck is none of your business."

"I hate to break it to you, love, but this time, it is my business. I am your handler. I need to be able to assess your mental state and every decision you make. I knew you weren't ready."

"What the fuck are you talking about? I am a hundred percent ready. Let me prove myself.”

This was about him. His control. I pushed to my feet, letting the chair roll back and hit one of the filing cabinets. "This about you, Gabe. Have you stopped to think that I might be good at my job?"

"You are good at your job. It's why you're on my bloody team. But this is different.”

I lifted my chin. "What worries me is that my commanding officer is giving me this bullshit right before I am supposed to go under. Either you believe in me, or you don't."

His brow furrowed. "I already told you I believe in you. My job right now is to keep you the fuck alive. Do you understand?"

“I think your attitude toward me is going to affect my ability to report to you."

"Are you suggesting I have a problem?"

I crossed my arms. "No. What I am suggesting is that you have more than a problem. What is your deal with me, anyway? What have I done? All of a sudden, you’ve got an attitude."

"You think this happened all of a sudden? You crossed that line with us.”

I lifted my brow. "You're the idiot who took a kiss on a mission as something else."

"Did I now?" He smirked down at me. When had he gotten so close? His scent wrapped around me, sandalwood and spice, and I wanted to lean in and take a sniff, but I didn't. "You're the one who kissed me."

"Are you sure about that? I kissed you on a mission and you can't let it go. I'm not the one who keeps bringing it up, and you’re the one who kissed me in your office."

I saw his jaw tick as he glowered down at me. "Fine. You think you’re ready? Far be it for me to interfere."

"If this is how you're going to behave, I demand a different handler."

"Tough, sweetheart, you're stuck with me."

"The hell I am. If Saff isn’t available, give me any other senior agent on staff. Anyone but you."

"Sorry, love, I remain your handler whether you like it or not."

I knew that before this was over, one of us was going to kill the other one. And Gabe had better buckle in because I wasn't going down without a fight.


Thirty minutes later, as Saff and I were running the setup on my authenticator job, she eyed me carefully. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Nope, I was a complete mess.

"Yup. A hundred percent."
