Page 40 of The Spy

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When I walked Tate out and we shook hands, he held on to mine for a moment too long. "Miss Bracknell, I'm sure this happens to you on a daily basis, and I do feel like a bit of a fool even entertaining this idea," he said as he rocked back on his heels. It was almost adorable watching him attempt to act as if he was so flustered about my beauty that he couldn't help himself. That he was going to do the thing that he never did.

But I gave him no room. "Mr. Tate, whatever you're going to ask me, let's save you some time. I don't date clients." I’d been instructed to draw this out. Make him chase me.

He frowned. "Oh, well no, I just thought we could, you know, grab dinner. It's not a date. Just a business dinner."

"My job is built on propriety. And as you know the art world is a tiny community. And especially since I'm an authenticator, I need to be completely above board in all my dealings. I'm sure you understand."

He frowned. "But surely dinner wouldn’t be questionable. I'd really love to take you out."

I gave him what I hoped equated to a warm smile. "No, thank you. I'll see you at your home." And then I deliberately turned and walked away.

I could feel him gawking after me. I could almost hear the flies buzzing into his mouth as it hung open in his utter confusion that I had turned him down.

Well, get used to it, buddy. If your family is full of arms dealers, it's going to get a whole lot worse.

When I marched back into the office, Kaya chuckled under her breath. "Dear God, that poor man's ego is not going to survive the night."

"Oh, he's fine."

She cackled under her breath. "Did you see his face? The way he just crumbled when you said no. I am sure he has never been told no a day in his life."

"Maybe it’ll do him some good to hear it."

"Well, good job. He definitely bought the packaging."

I harrumphed. "He would not be the first man to buy the packaging."

Hell, he wouldn't be the last. How many men had I known who had fallen for the packaging? How I looked. How I sounded. Believing one thing and then being confused when something else happened. This was all the same, just higher stakes.

As soon as we were clear that Tate was gone, Kaya and I were out the back door. The van had already come around to meet us, and Saff swung the side door open. "Well then, he's already nibbling."

Gabe said nothing. He just sat in front of his monitor, clicking away at something.

I couldn’t stop myself from asking, "Well, spymaster? Anything to say?"

He frowned. "No. While that was step one, the real work is getting inside the house. Getting him to trust you. When that's done, you can congratulate yourself. Until that happens, you’re just playing pretend." Each word was like a lash of his tongue.

I knew he was right. But I also resented the fact that he couldn't just say, 'Well done. Sorry I ever doubted you.'

Nope, just arsehole Gabe.

He was right though. Today was only step one. And next time I’d be going in without Kaya. My team would be in my ears and close by, but not too close. I could only walk in there on my own and walk out on my own.

Back on the Rogues campus, I was still playing what Gabe said over in my head when Tabatha Bracknell’s phone buzzed several times in a row, and I frowned. One was a message from Jennings Tate.


It was a pleasure. I look forward to seeing you in three days.

That one I held up to show the team.

And then another message came in, forwarded from my personal phone.


Can you call me? It’s urgent.

