Page 47 of The Spy

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Way to stick your foot in it.

She whirled. “Tension from me? Are you bloody mad?”

I scowled at her. “You know very well you are the reason we’re in this predicament."

She shook her head. “I see you’re still thinking about it. I’m not. Go fuck yourself Gabe. I’ll see you in three days.”

When she was gone, I pinched my brow. I turned my attention back to my monitor, trying to ignore that feeling. It was an instinct. Something was going on with her.

Or maybe things are awkward because you've kissed her. Twice.

To be fair, one of those times was her doing. The other time, well, there was a slip of control. It wouldn't happen again. I had that shit locked down now.

When I took one more look at the data, I made a call, not sure if the person on the other end was willing to answer or not. How come I had no idea where he was? But on the third ring, Drake Webster picked up the call. "This has got to stop happening. If you miss me, just say that. I can come around, we can cuddle. Though maybe this time we skip the handcuffs. They chafe.”

"Oh shut up, twat." I laughed into his ear. “I have questions about an MI5 attaché, Gennifer Goode.”

“Mate, I’m not your personal Tinder. You need to do your own dating recon.”

“Fuck off. I’m not… If you don’t know her, what can you tell me about the billionaire, Jennings Tate? Do you know him?“

There was a low chuckle on the line. "Oh yes, we're mates. We yuck it up all weekend on his yacht.”

I rolled my eyes. “Be for real, you twat. You owe me.”

"No, I don't know him personally. Why are you asking?”

"How familiar are you with his dealings?”

"You're asking if he's Syndicate? Not that I know of. I’m still picking at the network.”

"All right, one more question. Seth Disick, what do you know about him?”

Drake whistled low. “I know a little bit about the kind of circles he runs in. He is one protected son of a bitch. The git is basically Teflon. Interpol has been after him for eons. Slippery as fuck. Why?"

“We had a mission. Supposedly his daughter called it in. Wanted to pin him for human trafficking.”

Webster swore. “The daughter has never forgiven him for checking the mother into an insane asylum and basically leaving her there.”

I cursed under my breath. “Wow, all right then."

There was a pause. “She just called you out of the blue and offered information on her father?”

“No, came in from a source.”

“I don't know who the source is, but that information would need to be vetted. Triple time. It's like poking a wasp’s nest. I'm not saying anyone at Home Office is protecting him, but…”

I cursed under my breath. “We went in guns blazing on him and a bunch of his cronies.”

Drake whistled low. “Jesus fucking Christ. On whose order?”


He cursed under his breath. “Oversight fucking sent you in. Let me guess, Gennifer Goode?”

“Exactly. What are you not telling me, Drake?”

"Everyone at Oversight are all with intelligence agencies. They all know Disick is protected. You don't go for him unless you have something, airtight.”
