Page 67 of The Spy

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"Um, sleepy."

He nodded. "That'll wear off. I had them keep you sedated for several hours."

I blinked at him rapidly. "Jesus, I have a lot to prep, Gabe. I'm supposed to see Tate again."

"Yes, tomorrow. But I think we need to move it."

"What? If I move it, he'll be suspicious."

"Just rest, Tabatha."

"Oh, that's funny coming from you. Weren’t you shot last year and then back at your desk in hours?"

Gabe stared at me for a long moment. When he spoke, his voice was low, raw. "You scared me."

"Well, I wasn't trying to. Imagine how I feel. I got knocked on my arse. I still have a metallic taste in my mouth."

He frowned. "Are you okay?"

I flexed my hands automatically. "My palms hurt like a son of a bitch, but other than that, I'm fine." I tried moving my toes, my ankles, and then shifted my legs around. Other than feeling exhausted and a little achy, I mostly felt fine. That was until I tried to sit up, because ugh, my head. "Well, I have one hell of a migraine."

"Doc said that would be normal, and the point of contact would also be extremely sensitive. He wants you to wear those gloves there by the side of the bed."

I frowned at the fuzzy pair of white gloves, sliding them on. They were soft but useless. "What am I supposed to do with these? I can't do anything important."

"That's kind of the idea. If you want out of bed, you will have to ask for assistance.”

"That's stupid."

"No, that's to keep you from hurting yourself or causing more pain. Come on, let me spoil you for now."

Spoil me. As if. "If I am supposed to meet Tate tomorrow, I can't wear these."

"I know. They've put ointment on your hands. It will help speed up the healing. Luckily, you don't have any burn scars. You're just sensitive. Are you sure you’re not uncomfortable anywhere else?"

I shifted under his scrutiny. "I’m fine. Good enough to get out of this bed anyway."

"Okay, good."

"What's wrong with you? You're staring at me."

He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something. His gaze was intense, and I could feel it everywhere on me as he watched me with flames of heat and desire, awakening parts of me I didn't need awake right now. "Well, I was wondering how long your hair is going to stick up on end like that."

My hands immediately flew to my hair. But of course, I couldn't touch it because of the gloves. I winced even at the pressure. "Oh my God, how bad is it?"

"You look adorable. Sort of like an Afro Carrot Top."

"Oh Jesus. Like, if it’s a full fro, that would be great. But I have the distinct impression that it's giving I've been fried by a lightning bolt vibes, isn’t it?"

He smiled a little and murmured. "I think Saff said she had some products that would help."

"When do I get to go back to work?"

"I want you to rest for another couple of hours. You gave me a scare."

"That was terrifying, Gabe, for sure. But what the hell is in that cabinet that was so important for Tate to protect it like that?"

"That is a question I was asking already. What I'm about to show you is classified."
