Page 69 of The Spy

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Gabe cursed. "Yeah, come on, let's do it."

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you do something you're uncomfortable with."

He cut me a glare. "After some of the things we see in the field, I can certainly help you get dressed."


He followed me into the bathroom and spread his hands. "All right, point me in the direction. Hair first or clothes?"

"Let's do hair since I don't have to pull on things over my head."

"All right, what first?"

"That's my leave-in conditioner. You need to work in a dollop about the size of a two-pound coin."

He pumped some in his hand.

"Rub them together and run them through my hair to the ends."

"Yup, got it. Uh, sit down."

I sat on the seat used for the vanity, hugging my towel close and shivering slightly.

"You're cold. We should have gotten you dressed first."

"No, this is better. It'll give my hair a chance to dry."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just get the conditioner on first, otherwise, it'll be a giant frizz ball and there's no way we will be able to work with it."

"Okay." His voice was husky. Low. And as he worked the conditioner from ends to roots, running his fingers through my hair, his fingers gently massaging my scalp, my eyes started to drift closed. Why did that feel so good?

He worked section by section on my thick curls. "All right, it's in."

I had to fight to open my eyes. "Right, okay. Now my detangler. You're just going to run it through sections, then that oil there will seal in the moisture."

As he worked, I gave him instructions. He was able to help me pin back my hair into a simple French twist. "Hey, that's not bad,” he said.

I shook my head. "Not at all."

He washed his hands quickly and dried them off. "All right, what now?"

"My face. I was able to mist it, so now I need some lotion and sunscreen. Right there."

Again, he pumped some, rubbing it on his fingers, and then gently smoothed dots on my forehead, my chin, and my cheeks. Then he used his fingertips to massage it into my skin, working upwards. Surprised, I said, "You've done this before."

He bit back a smirk. "My sister is a tyrant. She used to force me to give her facials. I sort of remember."

"Bullshit. I don't think she forced you at all. I think you liked it."

"You know, I don't have to do this."

" Okay, I just need your help. Please, please, please. There's no way I can get makeup on. My hands hurt too much."

"Okay, I can put on makeup. Right now?"

I shook my head. "I want the sunscreen to sit a minute, otherwise it'll be splotchy. So next is body lotion. You can just do my legs, I guess, since I'm wearing a skirt and they'll be showing."
