Page 8 of The Spy

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She was one of those women who was full of sophistication and had perfect goddamn hair.

The pang of pure green jealousy knotted my gut while I watched her sashay and sway toward the man I wanted. She was everything I wasn't.

I needed to throw all that out of my mind now because there were more important things to worry about than Miss Gee-wiz.

Gabe frowned as he leaned up against the wall near our whiteboard. Looking at him with his tuxedo tie looping around the back of his neck, the top couple of buttons popped open, and his hair mussed, God, he looked good enough to eat. Dark stubble had started to dust his jaw in the late hours, and I just knew the scrape of it against my neck would be a delicious burn.

While dancing together at the reception, I’d wanted to reach up and brush my fingers across his strong jawline. There was a part of me that wanted to believe in the magic of a wedding dance. So much so that there'd been a moment in his arms when I could have sworn he'd wanted to say something to me.

But I knew it was a sweet daydream. A fallacy my heart told my mind. This dream guy didn't exist for me to have in real life. And both my heart and mind needed to get over it. He wasn't mine. The sooner I remembered that the better off I'd be.

There was no point in being jealous over something you couldn't have and was never yours to begin with. I turned my attention back to the front and tried to focus.

Saff started us off by asking, "Gennifer, since you called us all away from the wedding, what's the problem?"

"Sorry to ruin the fun. You look beautiful Saffron. I wish I could have attended, but an intelligence report landed on my desk. We have a billionaire, Seth Disick. I'm sorry to the team for the short notice, but this one is too important to delay. The daughter has provided evidence that he and some unsavory friends of his are leading an organization with a predilection for human trafficking. Mr. King, Mr. Saint, you may know some of their members.”

Lock cocked his head and lifted a brow. Saint was more affable, as always, and just flashed her a grin before muttering, “No matter what industry you get into, one always finds themselves rubbing elbows with arseholes.”

Saff gripped the armrest of her chair tight in an effort not to show how bad she wanted to respond to his comment. We knew he was being sarcastic. Hell, it was an effort to keep my face completely impassive and my jaw from ticking when all I wanted to do was fall over laughing.

Gabe, for his part, didn't bother to hide the humor in his face as he grinned. “Arseholes everywhere you turn, right, mate?”

Gennifer looked at Gabe and just squinted like she didn't understand. Rook knew exactly what was being said between the lines because he became suddenly very, very interested in his tablet.

Leave it to these guys to insult Oversight right under Gennifer’s nose. They really couldn’t find a fuck to give for all their billions.

No one else was showing any sign of cracking open to clue in Gennifer about the lads’ insults, and all of us stayed completely neutral.

I loved us so fucking much.

"Alrighty. Well then, the scenario we have before us aligns with a gala tomorrow night at Wheelman House. We are told Disick and his partners will be gathering for a meeting about moving a shipment.”

With this information, I sat forward, asking, “Your source, she's reliable?”

“It's his daughter. She recently discovered his activities and is understandably very concerned. She's not trained, but her evidence is compelling. Enough so that Interpol was willing to move on it. They've asked us to be their extra muscle. As you know, Interpol only has a certain lever they can pull, but we can pull the levers they can't. And yes, we also believe her information is sound.”

I nodded. Once I heard Interpol was involved, at least I knew we weren't being sent on a wild goose chase.

The lads sat forward too, and Rook tapped on his tablet. “All right, I'll start working with Devlin. See what we can dig up on the parties that'll be there.”

Gennifer nodded. “Your team is the best of the best. I knew I’d come to the right place.”

Gabe nodded. “Tomorrow night. Usual partnering. Saff, Lock, Saint, you will be on the ground. Kaya, you'll be in the van.”

Kaya rolled her eyes, and with exasperation she said, “I’m always in the bloody van.”

Rook chortled. “Trust me, eventually you'll make it out of the van. And then you'll get to be fancy and in the fray with me.”

Saint scowled and shook his head at that. “No. Not in the fray and never with you.”

I wondered how he was going to take it when her training was over and she was a full-fledged active field agent.

Gennifer interjected. “We might not even need that many. Interpol will be there. Amelia Jansen specifically, whom, I believe, you have all met before if I recall correctly. Maybe the Kings and the Saints can all stay in the van.”

Rook narrowed his eyes. "Oh yeah, I've met her. Half her team, too. We will need to be on the ground, Gabe.”

Gabe shrugged. "Gennifer, we know how to play nice with Interpol, but I only trust my team. We all go. We all play our normal roles.”
