Page 89 of The Spy

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"Yeah well, just call me a rule breaker."

I lifted my gaze. "Are you okay?"

His grin was slow and incredibly sexy. Parts of me somewhere low in my belly pulled tight, making me thrum and throb. I wanted him all over again.

"Well, considering you tried to kill me several times, I'm not okay. But I think kisses probably would resolve the situation."

I grinned as I propped my chin up on my hands over his chest. "Oh yeah? Where are those kisses going to go?"

"Well, I find that the best method for diagnosing a problem is to start somewhere. Once you start there, move around, see if you can pinpoint exactly where it hurts."

I placed a kiss over his heart, and then flicked my gaze up to him. He was watching me with such intensity, and while it made me want him even more, there was a bare vulnerability to him.

And this time the piercing feeling happened straight in my heart.

Oh no, you don't.

You are not allowed to fall in love with him, because you cannot keep him.

He is not yours.

You are a blip for him.

If I let him get too close, it would hurt. It would hurt when we had to go back to being normal. I knew what we were doing here. This was strictly a rebuttal against our rules, but I didn't care. Not after finally being able to tell the truth and having him accept exactly what I was telling him.

And well, I had wanted him forever.

There was no hiding from him now.

"Well, I suppose there are other places I could kiss just to see."

His erection bobbed against my thigh. "Yes. See, I'm trying to give you a hint."

I couldn't help it, I chuckled then. Like a real laugh. Ducking my head, he tipped my chin up with his finger. His hands were on my hair again, pulling me up and kissing me deeply. Rolling me under him.

"I have to feed you. Otherwise, we're not leaving this bed again."

Except I could feel the length of him pressing against my pussy. The blunt head of his cock, teasing me just a little, bringing with him a slice of that stinging burn, as well as a promised pleasure. I arched my hips and he groaned. "Tabs, no more condoms. We're out."

I blinked at him slowly. "What do you mean we're out of condoms?"

"Well, it's not like I keep a cache of them. I had exactly four, and we've used them."

"Oh, wow. Okay. So, you teasing me now was just for shits and giggles?"

He tucked his face into my neck, sucking gently at my skin, and his hips hitched forward just a little, so just the tip of him rested inside me. "Fuck, you feel too good. I have been torturing myself with an image just like this in my head since the first time I saw you."

"Are you sure that’s all you dreamt about? Part of me thinks that maybe you wanted to throttle me."

He sank in just a millimeter deeper and then hitched his hips away. "Aw, fuck me, I'm not taking the risk with you. You're too important. This kind of risk isn't worth it. Not to you."

I frowned at him. "What are we doing Gabe?"

"Like I said, we're breaking some rules. But I couldn't stay away from you anymore."

"I didn't know staying away from me was such an active effort."

He leaned forward and nipped at my lips, gently sucking on them before rolling back and dragging me with him. "You have no idea. Come on, let's feed you."
