Page 96 of The Spy

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"Yep, not a surprise at all." She stopped me before I could go in the locker room. "Hey, we okay? We haven't talked much since the wedding, then you started this mission and I just feel like I don’t even know what is going on with you these days and I just want to be there for you. I know Gabe can be a prick."

My heart squeezed because I knew this was Saff trying to be there for me. She would drop everything and listen to me go on, and on, and on, about her brother. And she would only make the wincing face if I described his cock, because it needed a description. Look, the thing needed its own postcode.

But Saff didn't need to know all that.

"The whole undercover thing is fucking with me, and it's hard to maintain the two lives. I'm just trying to keep my head in the game."

She watched me. "You're lying about something."

Goddamn it. "Saff, really?"

She shrugged. "You're hiding something. Something that's not related to this or your sister. I want to know what it is."

I frowned. "I don't know what you're talking about. I have already come clean." Except I could feel Gabe’s cum leaking out of me.

"This isn't a come clean scenario, dude, I just want to help. Show me how to help you."

I knew what she wanted, but I just couldn't tell her.

What would she say? How would she respond? I knew she would tell me to be careful. Maybe she'd be disappointed.

Would she though? You know you're not supposed to be doing this. You know that this is a bad idea for all kinds of reasons. But you're doing it anyway. And you haven't told your best friend. Of course, she's going to notice it.

"I swear, nothing is going on, Saff. This has all just been a little wild, you know?"

She placed a hand on her hip. "Do you remember with Lock, the way I dragged you into a closet and spilled everything to you?"

My stomach fell. Fuck, she knew. "Yeah."

"I remember you being the only person on earth I could think of to turn to. And I know that things are different now with Lock and me being married. But you promised me that after the wedding you wouldn't get all weird and distance yourself. And that's exactly what you're doing, and it sucks."

She was right. But she couldn’t know about this. This had major consequences. It wasn’t like her and Lock. Gabe was my boss. Head of one of the most secret and elite spy organizations in the world. "Honey, I don’t mean to, okay? Everything is just so different, and I want to be a good friend. We just have to navigate in the relationship."

The lie tasted bitter on my tongue. It must have sounded bitter to her too because Saff was not buying it.

Note to self: learn to lie better.

I wanted nothing more than to tell Saff all of it, to beg her to listen to me, to give me advice. This was her brother, and like a fool, even though I told myself that I had rules, that we were not going to fuck in the office, there I was, called in for a briefing about my date.

And he'd been pissed. Hell, I'd been pissed.

Had I kissed Jennings? No.

Had Jennings tried to kiss me? Yes.

Was Gabe pissed about it? Yes.

Had he taken it out on me in the most delicious ways? Also yes.

But this was not healthy. I needed help. I needed fucking advice. But what would I tell her? 'Hey, remember that time I started shagging your brother and I didn't tell you after keeping another secret about my sister?'


And this was Gabe's job. Saff's legacy. I didn't exactly have anywhere to go when this went wrong.

"I promise, this has nothing to do with you and Lock. I'm obviously ecstatic for the two of you. We still haven't talked honeymoon, not a bit."

She still regarded me with suspicion but dropped it. "I know. We have a lot to catch up on."
