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"It's too soon," Laszlo murmured.

Hywel might sleep and not wake quickly, they meant.

"Leave it, if it isn't real." Asterion gave the sea his back with a sturdy and intentional turn of his heel, marching toward us with firm steps. "Don't tear your attention away from her," he added, looking hard at me. "That's what he wants."

Hywel rolled his eyes a little, bristling at the orders. "Obviously." His lips moved, but he didn't give the word voice.

With Asterion standing behind Hywel and Laszlo, the last of my view of the water was firmly hidden.

"Thisdoesneed investigating. The akkorokamui is our ally, and a powerful one. If this is a threat of whatmightcome to pass, we need to do whatever it takes to prevent it from happening," Asterion said. He spoke softly, but the shelter of the three of them made his voice clear. "I need to find a way to contact Conall or do the work myself. Discovering the truth shouldn't take long."

The words were deliberate, an offering to me. He was leaving, but he wasn'trunning. And he meant me to know it, even as Laszlo and Hywel seemed to circle me between them in their arms.

"I understand," I said, nodding at him.I don't know if I am worth returning for, I thought.

Asterion was as still as a statue for a long moment, his stare locked with mine, a slow study of my features, and in the heavy pause I wondered if he might tell the others to move aside for him, or if he was waiting for me to pull away from them.

Just as it occurred to me to slip free of Hywel and Laszlo, Asterion nodded, and then he was marching once more, around our cluster and toward the door. I twisted to watch his back, a familiar and not unpleasant view, even though I was tempted to call out to him to stop. He ducked out of sight without a backward glance.

Hywel's eyes were narrowed on my face, watching too closely, but he smiled as I turned and reached his hand up to tuck back strands of my hair that had been coaxed loose by the breeze.

"Inside with you,blodyn bach," he purred gently. "We'll leave this nightmare to wash away as we dine and dance into the evening."



“I-I-I can't! Not—Oh!—Not again," I gasped, trying to squirm away from Hywel's persistent fingers.

The dragon chuckled, his breath gusting against my swollen sex. Behind me, with his body wrapped around my back, Laszlo grunted as I pressed my ass to his half-hard and well-used cock.

"You'll know when you can't," Hywel said.

"He means you'll pass out," Laszlo murmured in my ear.

I moaned, and Hywel's hands wrapped around my thighs tightly, tugging me back to his insatiable mouth. I yelped as his tongue returned to lave and lick and torment my clit, bucking into his caresses.

"Can't you just—Oh, Hywel!" I whimpered, swallowing and fighting for air as he spread me gently open, a tongue too long for his human disguise slithering inside of me to plunge as his lips and teeth sucked and grazed.

"She wants to know why you can't just put her to sleep," Laszlo guessed.

I nodded, more or less, and only partly because my entire body was rocking in a natural demand, thrusting myself onto Hywel's tongue, his mouth, his probing fingers.

Hywel grunted, and Laszlo took that as his cue. His hands stroked over my chest, through the uselessly thin fabric of the nightgown they'd put me in, talons plucking playfully at my nipples as I whined.

"If he uses his powers to put you to sleep, it'll be impossible for Birsha or whatever wretch he's using to reach you. It must be your own natural sleep," Laszlo explained, kissing my cheek and then suckling on my earlobe.

Hywel snarled as my body started to clutch on his tongue, and the sound shuddering into my body set me off once more, a painful and perfect snap and unraveling of pleasure. I cried out and clasped Laszlo's knees, bracing myself against the onslaught, sagging as it claimed me.

"Also, this method is delightful for all of us," Laszlo said lightly, cupping my breasts and nibbling on my throat.

I was drunk onnéktar, coated in sensual oils from Laszlo's collection, in sweat and release too. Laszlo and Hywel had taken turns with my body, back and forth, until Hywel laughed and said he was impressed with my appetite and would have to get more creative.

In truth, I should've surrendered under the weight of thenéktarhours ago.

I was frightened.

I didn't want to go back to The Seven Veils. Not even in a dream. Not even with Hywel and Laszlo carefully watching over me, protecting me from danger.
