Page 39 of The Man of the Hour

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“If I said I was Ian right now, would you tell me to stop?”

“Jesus,” she hissed. “Don’t do that. Don’t put those thoughts in my head—”

“You want Ian to lick your sweet clit? Hm? Wanna play Di for a night?” He pulled Sonia’s ass toward him so he could eat her out savagely.

“Oh God. Yes…” Sonia shoved her cunt hard against his face.

“Yes?”He lifted his head.

“No.” He heard laughter in her voice, but a moan swallowed it up. “I mean no. I just—”

“Too late.” Getting to his feet, he reached out to grab her.

But he wasn’t prepared for Sonia’s speed. Pulling up her sweatpants and underwear, she tore away from him, racing out of the kitchen and into darkness.

Springing forward, Brendan followed the slap of her footsteps. His outstretched hand connected with her arm. Grasping her roughly, he pulled her hard against him. He felt her heart hammering in her chest.

Keeping her in a tight hold, he maneuvered forward. His leg hit something bulky and velvet-covered — a couch. This must be the living room. Flipping Sonia forward as she clawed fiercely, he bent her over the arm of the couch, pinning her in place with his legs.

“That’s better.” He gave her luscious ass a firm slap. “Naughty girl, trying to run away again. You really think you can escape me? You think you’re stronger? Faster? Better? Is that what you think?”

“I think you have serious brother issues,” came the surly reply. “And you keep bringing up Ian during sex, like you somehow need him to be here—”

Brendan pushed her face into the couch. Not hard — he wanted Sonia to be able to breathe — but just enough to make a point. Her words collapsed into muffled grumbles, turning to moans when he pulled down her sweats and panties. Pressing the bulge of his cock against her bare ass, he spread her thighs to finger her roughly.

“I don’t need anything, baby, except for you to give in,” he whispered. “Does this have to be so difficult, Sonia? Is it so tough to admit thatyouneedme?”

“Fuck you.” Now she sounded genuinely angry, though her pussy tightened eagerly around him. “I don’t need you, Brendan.”

“Sure, you do.” When he pulled his fingers out of her wet heat, she groaned. “Look how much you miss me already.”

“Dammit…” She kicked out at him, forcing him to step back. He sucked in a surprised breath. “I’ll never give in to you.”

When he reached for her, his hands closed on air. Her spicy scent wafted past him as her feet clattered up the stairs.

Thundering after her in pursuit, he heard a door slam. At the top of the stairs, he felt along the wall until his hand brushed a doorknob. He turned it and burst through.

A soft carpet muffled his steps. Sonia’s scent perfumed the air. Was this her bedroom?

Her ragged breathing filled his ears. He turned in one direction, then another, feeling the whisper of her skin as he almost caught her. Finally, she ran full against him. Picking her up, he fumbled his way to a bed.

“Please.” Her voice was soaked with need.

“Please what?” Sinking onto the bed, he flipped her over his knee so she was draped across his lap.

“Please…” The word hung in the air, like she was testing it. “Don’t hurt me.”

For a minute, it was very quiet. The only sound was their mingled breathing.

I won’t,he wanted to say.I don’t ever want to hurt you, Sonia.

Brendan swallowed, letting his hand roam up her back. From the waist down, she was naked, but her tank top and bra were still on and tangled. As she lay across his lap, he eased the tank top over her head and slipped off her bra, surprised that she didn’t fight him. Finally, when she was stripped bare, his hand came to rest between her thighs, cupping her pussy.

Sonia curled up against him with a low noise. It almost killed him.

“Stay like that, baby,” he said gruffly. “Right across my lap where you belong. I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

He expected Sonia to protest. Instead, she spread her legs with a soft rasp against his pants. Her ass bucked upward, and his hand came down to meet it with a swift strike.
