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He remembered that too.

“So she has a show this weekend,” Di hurried on, “and it’s a really big deal. There are three performances — last night, tonight, and tomorrow. She started this company a year ago on a shoestring, right out of college, and she’s been spending all her time and savings on it. She’s teaching dance too, but every penny goes to the company. It’s her life.”

Brendan knew all this. How? Because for the past year, he’d been going to Sonia’s dance shows and telling no one.

“How exciting,” he said evenly.

“It really is!” Di was all enthusiasm. “I wanted to come down so badly to see it, but things are too crazy here. And Brendan, she’s been doing everything she can to raise money for this dance troupe, but she’s struggling. If she can’t get more, tomorrow night will be their last show. So I was hoping you could go tomorrow. You know, in Ian’s and my place. To show support. You could represent our family.”

Breathe. Stay calm.“I don’t know, Di. I’m pretty busy. I’m working nights and weekends.”

“Please, Brendan. Give her a chance, okay? This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.”

“Right,” he grumbled.

“Come on, you can do it,” Di implored. “I believe in you. Be the best man.Mybest man.”

Brendan swallowed. “That’s Ian’s job.”

“Please? For me?”

“Sure, Di,” he heard himself say. “Happy to go to her show. I’ll walk her down the aisle too. Whatever you want.”


“Really. Anything else you need, so long as we’re talking? Should I roll out a red carpet when she gets to the wedding? Hire a band to welcome her? Fly her to Paris afterward?”

“God, no. Nothing else. Thank you,” Diana said, sounding extremely relieved. “You’re the most fantastic almost-brother-in-law ever. Oh, except — I want to give Sonia a note before the show. Can I tell you what to say, and you’ll write it down?”

“Why don’t you email it to me, and I’ll print it out,” Brendan offered, trying to keep his patience.

“Handwritten notes are kind of a thing with us,” Diana hedged.

“Inmyhandwriting? And you want me to give it to her before the show? In person?”

“Don’t tell me you’re scared of Sonia.”

Inwardly, Brendan groaned. Of course he was. Sonia was fucking scary. He’d never feared much before this, and definitely not any woman.

“Not at all,” he said casually. “But you might have noticed she doesn’t acknowledge my existence.”

Di’s voice was teasing now. “Yeah, youreallydon’t like having your existence go unacknowledged.”

“Quit playing. No one would like that.”

“Trust me, Sonia is worth getting to know. It just takes time. She’s more complicated and has a harder shell than most. But if you’re honest with her, she’ll take to you. She’s a really good person.”

“Mm,” Brendan said neutrally, making the final turn toward his destination and scanning the street for parking spots. “Well, I don’t want to keep you, Di. I know you’re busy with wedding prep. Is Ian around?”

“He’s here. He’s just—” There was an explosion of giggles, followed by a snort.


“Oh my God!” Her breathy voice came faintly through the phone. “Ian, I can’t believe — oh, damn.”

There were the sounds of tussling, his brother’s laughter, Di’s giggles, and some distinct sucking and squishing noises.

“Okay, guys,” Brendan said. “It’s late. I’ll let you go.”
