Page 100 of Savage Wild

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He went back to the first page and the photo she’d captured. He hadn’t known who she was. Hadn’t known she was there. But she’d seen him the whole time. She’d seen everything.

He slid his fingers across the red sunset to her name.Dr. Jenna Albright. And for the first time since his divorce, he thought of giving a woman his last name. He wondered if she’d take it. Hell, he wondered if she’d even want it.

The emotion that welled up inside made him long for his bike, but since he couldn’t take the road, he decided he could at least get outside. Breathe some air and think.

Talon folded the dog ear and returned the journal to its place on the table.

“I’m gonna go pick up some coffee,” he said. “You want anything?”

Jenna looked up from the essays and blinked. “Umm, no thanks. I’m good.”

Talon gave her a long look. “Don’t go anywhere without me. Be back in a few.”

And the door clicked behind him.



“Anything from the police?” Cassie asked, concern in her voice.

I stood in front of the window, phone to my ear, and waited for Talon to get back. “Still can’t file a report because your dad hasn’t been missing long enough, and we don’tknowthat he’s really missing.”

“Dad wouldn’t bail on his patients like this,” Cassie said.

“I don’t think so either,” I agreed. If there was one thing I could say about Edward, his patients were priority. Over family, even over himself. He might bail on me and Cassie, but he wouldn’t leave them hanging.

“So we just have to wait?”

“I can file a report tomorrow, Cass. You know I will as soon as they’ll let me. Until then, unless the Dragons find something, that’s all we can do.”

My heart ached for my girl. She and her dad weren’t particularly close, but no daughter wanted to think of her dad being stolen off the street.

“Anything entertaining happen today?” I asked, changing the subject, hoping to take her mind elsewhere.

“Only excitement we had was Jared, two seconds from asking me out, and then Brick growling at him and nearly giving him a heart attack. I thought he was gonna pass out,” Cassie chuckled.

“Who? Brick?” I asked, trying to imagine Brick navigating co-ed dorms and first dates.

“No, Jared. And he’s supposed to be the best wrestler at the university. Whatever. He practically ran away.”

“I thought you liked him?”

“Not if he ran away from Brick,” Cassie fumed, and I could hear the eye roll in her voice. “Brick called him a pussy and said good riddance. I don’t think he’ll be back.”

“Gotta say I agree with Brick’s assessment of the situation. If Jared’s scared away by one biker, he’s not the guy for you,” I observed.

Cassie paused, and I could practically hear the wheels turning. “Is that because maybe I’m getting a biker step-dad?”

“I wouldn’t hold my breath, but you know me. It’s always on the table,” I joked.

“Talon get his head out of his ass?” Cassie whispered.

“Not in front of Brick, okay?” I said.

“Come on, mamacita. Give me something to work with here,” she argued.

“He’s expressed his interest, but I’m not sure,” I hedged.
