Page 129 of Savage Wild

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“You get everything you need?” I asked, walking across the kitchen to the front of the sink where Talon washed his hands.

He shot me a look over his shoulder. “Don’t come over here,” he said, his voice more growl than anything.

My boots skidded on the floor, “Okayyyy.”

And every doubt I’d ever had about what we were and what we could be flitted through my mind on midnight black wings.

“Don’t look at me like that, princess,” Talon’s voice went quiet.

“Look at you like how?” I asked, eyes bouncing from the floor to the walls and back. “You told me not to come over there, and I’m not.”

I backed away and started to turn for the door to head back where I’d come from. Tex was still out, so it wasn’t like he needed constant supervision, but when Smokey had left to go meet up with her brother, she’d given some pretty specific instructions.

I could follow those instructions to the letter, and then as soon as I got Cassie back, I could take my baby home.

“Jenna,” Talon said, his voice even softer and holding a hint of what I could only describe as fear.

And since he’d never used my first name and I’d never known Talon to fear much of anything, I figured that whatever I turned around to see would be bad, but I didn’t know how bad until I saw Talon facing me, arms by his side, bloody pink water dripping from his hands onto the floor, boots covered in gore, and jeans splattered with blood. His tee was black, so I couldn’t see the blood stains, but I could see the wet, and that was enough.

My eyes went wide, “Oh, God.”

“Didn’t want you to see this,” Talon said.

“I can understand that,” I said, nodding.

“But this is what you’re getting,” he said, spreading his arms. “This is what I’ve got to offer you. Me and the Dragons. It’s not this all the time, but someone threatens you and Cass, this is what they get.”

And in some far part of my mind, a part that wasn’t consumed with getting Cassie back home, that registered, and my heart went soft. I wasn’t sure that Talon could ever give me a normal life, or that he’d want to, but I knew that he’d give his body and soul to protect me and my girl.

And I was looking at a part of his soul that he’d just given away. For me.

“I thought Brick took care of jobs like that,” I whispered.

“He did. Until now,” Talon answered.

I cleared the tears from my throat. “Thank you,” I said.

“I need to clean up, and then we’re rolling out.”

“I’ll get you a clean shirt,” I said, turning for the door.

“Princess,” Talon called.

I looked back, “Yeah?”

“This is what my love looks like. Make sure it’s what you want,” he said.

I cocked a hand on my hip, “I’ll see your savage, and I’ll raise you wild. You already promised you wouldn’t give me up. Can’t back out on it just because you got some blood on your boots.”

Talon’s lips quirked, “Savage wild. I like it. Why don’t you go get me a clean shirt, and I’ll go get your girl.”

“I can do that,” I said and went to find my man a clean shirt.


