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“You were running from what we have to do.”

“Tell Rosa?” I whisper.

He leans back to look down at me, his blue eye glistening with emotion, his brown eye staring firmly. “We’ve got no choice. You were right. After seeing what these bastards almost did, I can’t lose you. I wouldn’t survive it. You’re the most important person in my life.”

I gasp. “You can’t say that. What about Rosa?”

“You’remy woman,” he snarls. “It’s you and me forever. Rosa will have to accept that. She’ll have to.”

He speaks as though trying to convince himself.

“And if she doesn’t?” I ask.

He swallows, shaking his head slowly. “She-she will.”

It’s one of the few times I’ve heard him sound unsure, and I don’t like it. At least we’re together for now.

“I promise I won’t run again,” I tell him. “I think I went a little crazy. I’ve got a habit of doing that. Maybe you should think twice before you sign the rest of your life away to me, huh?”

I try to laugh, but it becomes more of a trembling sob as the shock fades and events catch up to me.

“It’s okay,” he whispers, sounding tender and comforting, unlike a man who just went to war and seriously hurt others. “You’re safe now. You’re with me. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Ever. I…”

I love you, I will him to say, sure that’s the direction he’s going. Then he trails off, saying nothing, leaving me to wonder.

“I’ll always be here,” he says after a pause.

Even if Rosa hates us? Even if she tells us no? But I don’t voice these concerns, refusing to shatter the moment. Instead, I cling to my man, the future father of my children, as the adrenaline pumps through my body and the love pumps through my heart.



“What happened?” Rosa says the second we walk through the door.

Rosa’s gaze flits to my hand. I was holding it near Emma, not quite touching her but close enough to touch her anytime I wanted a moment of comfort, skin-on-skin contact to let her know she never has to worry. She never has to question, not when we’re together. Not when I’m protecting her.

“Why did the alarm go off? Why are the men rushing around everywhere?”

Rosa folds her arms, looking at me and then at Emma. The sadness in her eyes threatens to break my heart, the sense of betrayal as if she somehow already knows. It must be what Emma said, her reaction in the car giving our relationship away.

“Emma?” Rosa says when neither of us responds. “What’s wrong?”

Rosa approaches with her hands raised, but it’s also like she’s ready to recoil at any moment. I sense she’s on the verge of turning away, marching back up the stairs, and getting as far away from us as possible.

“I… I ran,” Emma murmurs. “The Russians were waiting in the forest. They ambushed me. They would’ve killed me if your dad and uncle didn’t save me.”

“Where’s Dario now?” Rosa asks, looking at me.

“With the survivor.”

Only one of them made it out alive. Dario killed one in his initial attack, and then I picked up my pistol and executed the other. Death is a part of this life, especially for scumbags who have no problem threatening women.

“Why did you run?” Rosa says, taking Emma’s hands.

My woman looks so shellshocked that I almost snap at Rosa to stop questioning her. That’s how deranged this situation is. It’s almost got me snapping at my daughter.

“G-guilt,” Emma whispers, choking back a sob.
