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“Well, there’s no reason to be rude about it. All I want is one simple little favor.” She pinches her fingers centimeters apart in front of her. “Just a kiss. It’s not like I was asking you to father my children. Also, just so we’re clear, I wouldn’t want that,” she glances down at my crotch again, “anywhere near me.”

Now it’s my turn to scoff. “I guarantee you’ll be thinking about this later tonight.” I nod toward my lap. “You’ll be squirming on top of your expensive as hell silk sheets wishing I was there to take away the ache between your legs.”

Her nostrils flare as she narrows her eyes. “How dare you make assumptions about me? You know nothing about me. Hell, you don’t even want to know my name. You just think you’re some big gruff guy, with a sexy bad boy vibe, and all the women will just flock to you like a seagull to a french fry. Well, guess what? That’s all you are. A seagull.”

“Did you just compare me to a bird?” I raise an eyebrow.

Without missing a beat, she replies, “I did. Because you’re annoying with a cocky attitude.”

“You’re the one who sat down next to me and rambled on about kissing me.”

“Clearly, it was a big mistake. The last thing I would want is a limp kiss from you. And I’m sure something else would hold the same limpness.” Her eyebrows raise as she nods to my crotch again.

“You’re on a roll. Now you challenge my manhood?”

She shrugs a shoulder. “I call it like I see it.”

I lean in, my voice low. “Well duchess, I guarantee you I’d have you moaning my name in under five seconds. But I’d hate to dirty up your perfect good girl persona.”

“Good thing we’re not on a first name basis so I can’t moan anything. And once again my name isn’t duchess. What is it with guys and pet names? Is it so you can call all the girls the same name, so you never have to remember their real—”

Done with this conversation, I’ll give her what she wants and grease covered hands be damned. I wrap one hand around the nape of her neck and haul her to me. Her eyebrows shoot to her hairline in surprise, and I slam my lips to hers.Nothing about this kiss is innocent and sweet. And whatever the spark is she rambled on about, I feel it. All the way to my toes and fuck, I haven’t felt this in a long time. I pull away, breaking the kiss. Slowly, her long, dark eyelashes flutter open. Lust swirls in her irises, and I know she’s found exactly what she’s been looking for.

“Son of a bitch,” she mutters under her breath as she presses her fingertips to her now swollen lips. Her gaze meets mine once again. “Once more. That had to be a fluke.”

This time, her fingers grip the collar of my shirt and tug me to her. Her cherry red lips press to mine in a bruising kiss. Firm but delicate at the same time. Much like her personality. Her tongue presses at the seam of my lips and I open for her. Our tongues stroke and caress against each other. She twists her body towards mine, her chair swiveling in the process to get closer to me. I run my hands up her jean covered thighs.

“Hey! None of that shit in my bar. Take it outside.” Rusty’s deep voice booms from the other end of the bar.

She pulls away slightly. “Outside?”

“Lead the way.”

She grabs her purse and hops off the barstool. Earlier I got to admire her front, now I get to appreciate her backside. Her hair cascades to the middle of her back. I’m itching to run my fingers through her locks. To wrap the strands around my hand and tug, show her exactly where I want her uppity mouth. When we reach the exit, she pushes the metal bar on the door, and I hold it open as we both step out into the humid summer evening. I continue to follow her as she rounds the corner to the side of the building. Mostly, I’m curious how far she wants to take this. Either way, I’m ready for whatever she wants.

Once we’re in the building's shadow from the setting sun, she rests her back against the wall. In one swift motion, she grabs my wrist and tugs so my body is flush with hers. My palm presses against the wall, creating a barrier between us and the street. The rough brick is a stark contrast against my palm compared to her soft skin. Her tongue peeks out. My gaze lingers as she slowly swipes from one corner of her mouth to the other.

“Are you waiting for a formal invitation in the mail to kiss me again, or what?” Her piercing blue eyes shine bright, even in the darkest shadows as they meet mine.

“I’m gonna have to do something with that smart mouth of yours.”

“What are you waiting for? You’re certainly doing a lot of talking for a bad boy who says he doesn’t ask but takes.” She lifts her chin in defiance.

What the hell did I get myself into?

I grip her chin and slam my lips to hers.

This kiss is even hotter than in the bar. Maybe because we’re a little more secluded, but whatever the reason, I’m here for it. Again, she takes charge and presses her tongue to my seam and I open. Our tongues swirl and caress each other’s, the kiss growing hotter with each passing second. The bulge in my pants presses against her belly and she moans. Her grip on my waist tightens as she draws me closer. We are so close, you couldn't slip a sheet of paper between us.

Laughter from a group of people echoes between the buildings, growing louder as they draw near. I pull away but keep my mouth inches from hers.

Her eyes flutter open. “That was...I don’t…I’m…”

“Speechless? Because I didn’t think that was possible.”

“Something like that.” Her words are barely a whisper.

At that moment, my phone buzzes. I retreat, pulling it from my pocket, and read the text message.
