Page 23 of XOXO

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“Maybe I’ll stop over after dinner.”

“Sounds good.”

“Hey, Mom,” I greeted her as I came through the door.

Star was at the table, working on a puzzle, and I gently patted her curls.

“We’ve got leftover lasagna in the fridge,” Mom said, squatting down to tie her work sneakers.

“Do you have any upcoming Saturdays off?” I asked tentatively. “Just curious.”

“As a matter of fact, I switched schedules with someone and have two days off in a row. Friday for Parents’ Day, of course, and that Saturday too, so that’ll be nice.”

“Cool! Well, then, I…might have plans.”

Her eyes brightened. “With school friends?”

I nodded. “A football game. I know, I know, not sure what’s come over me either.”

My stepdad had tried to get me to watch sports with him, but I was always bored out of my mind. He’d finally given up when he saw how torturous it was for me. But I’d watch the Olympics any day of the week—mainly gymnastics and figure skating, something Mom and I had in common.

Mom flashed me a tired smile. “I’m just glad you’re making friends.”

I hadn’t told her about Henry yet, and I wasn’t sure why. But I needed to before Parents’ Day in case she recognized him and his parents.

Just as I was about to open my mouth and share, she grabbed my hand. “Honey, your habit is getting bad again.”

I grimaced as I pulled my hand from her grasp. “I know. It’s just been stressful.”

I knew that Emil was starting to wonder too because a couple of times I noticed him studying my hands in class. But he never asked again, and I was grateful for that.

“I’ve gotta run,” she said, noting the time above the stove. She kissed both our cheeks and was out the door.

I helped Star with the puzzle for a bit while she told me about her day at preschool—oh, the stress of learning numbers—and then I heated up the lasagna.

Pete knocked on the door about an hour after I put her to bed with a story and a smooch to the forehead.

“Would you ever be interested in going to a college football game? Not this weekend, but the next?”

His eyes widened. “Since when are you interested in football? Does this have to do with Mr. Secretive Quarterback?”

“No.” I looked away as my face heated.Maybe.“According to Emil—this guy from dance class—the games are fun, and they party afterward.”

“I actually have a date that weekend. Remember Jenny from high school?”

I did. He’d had a crush on her forever. “No way!”

We fist-bumped.

“Yeah, I ran into her at the discount store, and we got to talking. She takes a class at the community college and works at the student snack counter full-time.”


He winced. “And no offense, but I’m not sure I’d fit in with your new friends anyway.”

“How do you think I feel?” I replied with a laugh. “But seriously, turns out most of them are pretty cool, though I’m sure I’m still known as the scholarship kid.”

“Are people really that shallow?”
