Page 28 of XOXO

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I tried not to make eye contact with Henry in the middle of it all, and it seemed he was having the same struggle. And thankfully, Mom was none the wiser, despite her gaze panning the room several times. Just as I’d hoped, she didn’t recognize anyone. Still, all this felt too surreal—the idea that the last setting where our families saw each other was in a hospital seven years ago.

Even more ominous was that Henry’s roommate, Spencer, kept smiling at me, and not in a smirky way, but rather more friendly than ever before.

Had Henry told him something?

Finally, the speech wrapped up, and the parents were encouraged to head to the classrooms to meet the teachers, who were waiting for them.

“Honey, why do those people look familiar?” Mom asked as the parents converged down the main hallway.

My stomach dropped as she stared openly at Henry’s parents.

“Um, I forgot to—” Before I could explain, she lifted her hand and waved. Christ, I wanted to be swallowed up by a hole in the floor. Especially since Henry’s face wilted.

But what did I expect? Mom was super friendly, which was why she was so good at her job and dealing with the public. Henry’s parents blinked as if in shock, maybe wondering if she was actually waving at them, but then Mrs. Albrecht nodded in acknowledgment before turning her head to speak to another parent.

Mom nudged my shoulder. “He was the boy in the hospital with you. Why didn’t you tell me he went to school here?”

“Because it’s complicated, and I guess I didn’t know how to…” The truth was that I’d chickened out. Or maybe I didn’t want Mom to get annoyed by it all and make a scene. But how was this any better? “Please don’t ruin this for me. I’ll explain everything later.”

“I wouldn’t dare,” she muttered. “Are you friendly with him now?”

“Sort of? Things have changed since then.”

“How so?”

“Mom.Please.Just promise you won’t bring up the past or tell anyone how we know each other. They…are a very private family.”

Her eyebrows knitted together. “I’m assuming there’s a good reason for that?”

“Reason, yes. Good, I’m not so sure. Like I said, I’ll explain later.”

“Okay, I trust you.”

I steered Mom and Star through the outdoor walkway that led to the Performing Arts building, breathing a sigh of relief that we could avoid them, maybe even for the rest of the evening. I began with ballet first and then tap. Mom spoke to Mrs. Leigh and Ms. Bardo while I showed Star some dance moves, along with a few other students entertaining their younger siblings. This Parents’ Day thing would be pretty boring for most kids.

Still, she marveled at the rhinestone bodysuits and tulle skirts hanging near the mirrors.

“Pretty, right?” I asked, and she nodded.

She was equally enthralled by the clicking sound of the shoes from the tap room—another added expense for me. Thankfully, my former dance instructor let me borrow a pair that were just slightly too big for my feet.

“The program sounds amazing,” Mom said as we trekked to another building. “I can see why you were interested in applying here.”

We shared a smile as I led them to the pre-calculus classroom, glad there were no more run-ins. My steps slowed as we neared the door becausefuck,the Albrechts were speaking to the professor in the hall.

And then Mom walked right up and introduced herself to him as well. I knew she wouldn’t break her promise, but I could tell by how she was holding herself that she would not kowtow to Henry’s parents—or stay away, apparently. But she kept her gaze perfectly trained on the professor.

“I wasn’t expecting you to come to this class since you’re only a peer tutor,” I said to Henry as we stood a few steps behind our parents. “I don’t meanonlylike it’s a bad thing, just that—”

“Are you kidding? My father eats this stuff up.”

Supposed I could see that. Team captain, gloried tutor.

I leaned closer. “Don’t worry, I swore my mom to secrecy. She won’t bring anything up with your parents.”

“Fuck, thanks for that.” His shoulders unwound. “Unfortunately, my father would probably feign ignorance anyway. And my mom would make polite conversation and steer her away from the topic.”

I rolled my eyes. “How nice.”
