Page 31 of XOXO

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“Nah, I knew you’d pull it out.”

My cheeks heated. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

He nodded. “Only have to hold them, and we got this game in the bag.”

We cheered on the defensive line when the opposing team came up short of the first down. All that was left was letting the clock run out.

Once the game ended, the crowd was on their feet again as we celebrated with slaps on the back before seeking out the opposing team’s players for sportsmanship’s sake.

When I saw the other team’s quarterback, I walked over to meet him in the middle of the field. I knew him by now, and not only because of our rivalry. I’d watched tapes to prep for games and even cheered them on when they were playing teams we hoped they’d beat. It was a small world when it came to college-level ball.

“Good job,” he said as we shook hands.

“You made me work for it.”

Once that was behind us, Coach motioned for the team to leave the field. On my way to the locker room, I looked up in the stands, still so fucking relieved we’d pulled it out. What else would explain lifting my hand in a wave? I didn’t even know who the gesture was for, but when my mom waved back, I was relieved. But also not.



At the endof the game, everyone in the stands stood to cheer the win, and I followed along, happy for Henry. Also impressed that he could command all that on the field and remain calm. He was a team captain and a quarterback and looked natural as a leader. Emil had been right when he’d said he was confident and seemed well-respected by his teammates.

I watched the opposing teams interact by shaking hands and thumping backs, and my gaze tracked Henry when the two quarterbacks spoke to each other.

As he followed his team off the field, he looked up at the stands and lifted his hand in a wave. My stomach warmed, and I nearly returned the gesture until I noticed he wasn’t waving to me at all but his parents, who were several rows in front of me. I could see their smiles, and I’d bet they were proud.

“I can’t believe you convinced me to come to a football game,” I teased Emil when he climbed the stands to greet us.

I was with Leah and Justin, whom I knew from tap and ballet, but it wasn’t until Emil had properly introduced us that I felt comfortable meeting them at the game and sitting with them. It was nice getting to know other students from the program.

“Pretty different from our dance uniforms,” Leah said, and Emil chuckled. He was wearing a military-style outfit with yellow tassels, brass buttons on his burgundy jacket, and a tall, stiff hat.

“So you made it through,” Emil said to me. “It’s not so bad, right?”

“No, I suppose not. I had no clue what was going on, but you can’t help getting swept up in it all.”

I’d admit some of the hits made me cringe. I knew they were wearing pads and equipment to soften the blows, but I had no idea how harsh it would look in person. And when Henry was tackled by those huge guys on the other team—linebackers?—I silently hoped he was all right.

I wondered if he even knew I was here, though it was okay if he didn’t.Ididn’t even know why I was here. And he had more important things to worry about. Like avoiding huge men chasing him to tackle him to the ground. I couldn’t even imagine.

Besides, what in the hell was I doing thinking way too much about a football player I knew from childhood? We might’ve shared a kiss back then, but that was as innocent as it was accidental.

“Why do you hate football so much?” Leah asked.

“I don’t, not really. But in high school some of the jocks were horrible, and I got teased constantly for being a dancer.”

“I hear you,” Justin replied with a frown. “And I got it doubly hard being Black.”

“Why are people so narrow-minded?” I said around the tightness in my throat. “There’s no denying how talented you are. People suck.”

“Thanks.” He sighed. “It’s why I don’t like most people. Except maybe one or two.”

“Like Jessilyn?” Leah asked as Justin’s gaze homed in on someone down below.

“Luckily, the cheer team is right in my line of sight,” Justin said with a wink, and Leah clapped excitedly.

“Maybe you can talk to her later.”
