Page 33 of XOXO

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I realized how fun it was just hanging and chatting with other students. I never had this before with other dancers, not really. Oh, there were overnighters and friendly get-togethers, but the parents and teachers were always there chaperoning.

“Ready to head to the clubhouse?”

Justin and Leah hopped up, but I was uncertain and wondered if I should just head home. As if reading my hesitation, Emil linked his arm with mine and led me out the door. Suppose I’d never know what these parties were like if I didn’t experience them first-hand. I had never been into crowded gatherings, but maybe this would be more low-key. Yeah right.

We walked in the direction of the stadium again, which was close to the road and some distance beyond the Performing Arts building, where Henry admitted he passed through to watch me dance. Goose bumps lined my skin as I thought about returning the favor by using the exit close to the field after class just so I could watch Emil—and okay, Henry—practice.

As we neared the stadium parking lot, the clubhouse came into view. It was located inside the stadium and looked like any other door—could’ve been a storage closet for all I knew. I could hear music and voices every time someone came in or out.

We stepped inside to a crowded room, and I groaned internally. Still, I followed their lead as we moved toward the snack table. The pizza looked mostly devoured as we passed by the boxes toward the drinks.

There were water and soda bottles available, and after I grabbed one, I noticed that people were mixing their drinks with a bottle of booze being passed around. Emil and Justin topped their drinks off with it, but Leah and I declined.

Instead, I gravitated to the bowls of chips and candy, grabbing a handful of Skittles and shoving them in my mouth because who didn’t like sugary treats? And okay, I was also starving all of a sudden. Wasn’t that a cliché?

As I popped a few more colors in my mouth, my gaze connected with Henry’s across the room. He seemed stunned that I was there but also something else—pleased? He smiled at me right as a blonde girl with big bangs plopped down on his lap—I thought probably a cheerleader because she looked familiar, like maybe she had been down on the field beside the girl Justin liked.

My stomach churned even though Henry looked uncomfortable as she turned to speak to him. Still, he didn’t ask her to move, so maybe he was just polite to a fault or maybe his sexuality was more fluid than I thought. I tried not to stare as they laughed about something and then blew out a breath when she finally stood up, only to be replaced by someone else.

“Look who’s here,” Leah said to Justin, motioning toward his crush. “Go talk to her.”

“Maybe after some liquid courage,” he said, tipping his cup.

I hear you, Justin.Now that Henry and I were together at a party, would he even speak to me in front of all these people? Not that I was much better. We kept making eye contact, but neither of us was brave enough to approach the other. To be fair, this was essentially his turf and I was only a guest.

As I went to refill my water, I remembered I had Jolly Ranchers in my pocket. I pulled a watermelon one out and popped it in my mouth just as I heard his voice behind me. “Lark.”

I turned and, out of sheer nervousness, offered him an apple candy. “Want one?”

He smiled as he took the candy from the palm of my hand. “Why doesn’t this surprise me?”

“What?” I asked.

“That you have these on you wherever you go.”

I snickered. “I do.”

We stood there awkwardly, and then he said, “You came.”

I nodded, and just as I was about to say something about the game, he was grabbed from behind by Bones and another teammate. “Time for a shotski.”

“No, I…”

“You promised to do a shot with us.”

He looked back at me with pleading eyes as they dragged him toward another player holding a long piece of wood—a snow ski? There were holes in the wood where shot glasses were inserted.

“It’s okay,” I replied. “Have fun.”

I walked back over to my friends as I watched them lift the piece of wood so that they could all take a shot at once. Henry made a face like it burned going down, and then they were swarmed by girls wanting to do the same.

I turned my attention to my friends. Justin was speaking to Jessilyn, and Leah was acting as his wingwoman.

“Thanks, by the way,” I said to Emil now that they were out of earshot.

“You mean about your fingers?” he said, and I nodded. “None of anyone’s business, including mine.”

“It’s not all that serious, just me—” The explanation was lost when some big dude knocked into us and spilled beer on Emil’s sleeve. I grabbed some napkins and helped clean up the mess on the floor because the big lug had already walked away with only a grunt of an apology.
