Page 41 of XOXO

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I hadn’t takeninto account what seeing Lark Monday morning would do to me. During our review period, I couldn’t stop looking at his lips and eyes, and he shifted uncomfortably as if he knew I was having trouble—or possibly he was having the same reaction.

I had never felt that way kissing anyone before. And I’d tried to feel something, believe me. But he’d made it clear that being just friends was for the best—and he was right. Still, that didn’t mean that shutting down all the other things going on in my head and body wasn’t hard. It was as if he had awakened something visceral in me, something smoldering right below the surface, and it would be difficult to stuff it back inside that dark and lonely place.

At lunch with a couple of the guys, I barely paid attention to the conversation at the table, lost in my head as I tried not to make eye contact with Lark across the room.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Spencer asked me in a lower register as the table erupted in laughter over something Bones said.

I shrugged. “Just tired from the weekend.”

Spencer chuckled. “You sound like you’re eighty. And I don’t buy it. You’ve been acting strange since Saturday night.”

I explained, yet again, that I’d gotten a stomachache and had to take care of it back at the dorm. That could’ve meant anything from taking antacid to taking a shit. He seemed to get it at the time, so why bring it up again? Thankfully, A-Train saved the day by spilling his soda all over the table, creating chaos, and I was able to slip away easily to my next class.

I considered texting Lark to ask if he was having the same trouble concentrating since our kiss, but that would just make me sound like some lovesick kid. Fuck, was this what a real crush felt like? Lark probably had many and was able to act on them because his family was supportive of his decisions. He might’ve thought we came from starkly different lifestyles and that I was privileged, but I’d trade him in a heartbeat just for that.

The next day as I headed to football practice, I tried hard to avoid walking through the Performing Arts building to watch his class, but my feet took me there anyway. As I walked closer to the door, Lark burst out of the room at a jog but faltered upon seeing me.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, then continued down the hallway. “I forgot something in my locker.”

Without answering, I followed him through the door. Not that I had any business being there. “Wow, your locker room looks shiny new. More so than ours.”

“Wasn’t this building remodeled recently?” He spun the lock on his locker.

“Yeah, I think so,” I replied, trying to remember the specifics from a dinner conversation years ago where Dad rehashed the funding of new buildings.

Lark pulled out a large water bottle, closed his locker, then stared at me. “What are you really doing here?”

“I, uh, was on my way to the field and just thought I would…” I dipped my head. “You caught me, okay?”

He nibbled his bottom lip as my heart thumped hard. When I reached out to touch his wrist, his eyes flashed to mine.

“Lark…I know we’re only supposed to be focusing on our friendship, but I can’t stop thinking about it.”

“About what?” he asked, though I was pretty sure he knew.

I could feel my hand quivering against his skin when I admitted, “Our kiss.”

“I have that effect on people,” he teased.

I laughed. “You ass.”

“Well…me too. Making out is fun, and so is hooking up.” Somehow his admission made jealousy burn hot in my gut. Not so much that he got to experience that, but the image in my head of him with other guys. Wow, I actually didn’t think I had that in me. I figured I was sort of dead inside. “And as much as I’d like to do it with you again, you know it’s not a good idea.”

“Tell me why again? It’s getting hard to remember.” My gaze trailed down from his throat to his feet, taking him in. “Your dance attire isn’t helping my brain.”

“You’re not playing fair. I have to go back in there like this.” He adjusted his crotch, trying to hide his arousal. It made my dick stir in response. This was definitely not one-sided, and that was comforting.

“Damn, I’m sorry.” I smirked and took a step back. “Too bad your tights are so thin.”

“Yeah, you really look sorry.” He narrowed his eyes. “You’re enjoying this a little too much.”

“Can you blame me? A hot guy just said he wouldn’t mind kissing me again.”

He squirmed as his eyes burned. “I get it. I really do. But you’re not out, and I’ve got grades to keep up.”
