Page 62 of XOXO

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The thought of leaving didn’t sit right. “Mind if I stay?”

Surprise floated through his eyes. “No, I don’t mind.”

I hung out at the table, only standing to look at photos on the fridge and to listen to him reading to Star. I supposed the fact that they shared a room wasn’t the worst thing, but it might’ve felt too close for comfort sometimes. Despite what Lark thought, I still would trade with him in a heartbeat. At least it wouldn’t feel so lonely like it did at home sometimes, and not only because there was way too much space in my parents’ house.

Ten minutes later, Lark tiptoed out of the room, holding his finger to his mouth.

“She’s asleep?” I whispered.

He blew out a breath. “Yeah.”

We stood there awkwardly until I asked, “So what do you normally do on weekend nights?”

“Sometimes I hang with Pete up on the roof.”

“The roof?” I glanced up at the ceiling.

“Yeah, it’s my favorite place to hide out, sort of like the bell tower is for you. Plus, I can still keep an eye on Star.”

“Care to show me? Unless that’s not something you want to do with—”

“Let’s go,” he said, reaching for a blanket from a storage closet and turning toward the door.

I followed him outside and to the back of the trailer, where there was a metal ladder leading to the roof. “Wow, I never would’ve guessed this was a thing.”

Once we got ourselves situated on the blanket, we watched the sunset over the pretty lake, which I didn’t even know existed.

“It’s the best view, which probably sounds dumb.”

“No, it doesn’t. I like it too.”

“Bet you’ve had your share of awesome views. Have you traveled a lot?”

“Some.” Actually, quite a bit on family vacations. “Is that something you’re interested in?”

“Yeah, maybe.” He lay back on the blanket, and I followed suit. “Been to the boardwalk in Atlantic City and to Manhattan to see Broadway shows. And obviously Philly since we’re less than an hour away. But that was before, with my stepdad, when we lived in suburbia and were able to afford more things. Now it just seems frivolous.”

I frowned at the longing in his voice. “It’s not frivolous. It’s something you love.”

“True,” he said wistfully, and it made me want to do anything to make his aspirations come true. “What do you dream about?” Lark asked.

You, I wanted to say but held back because that thought was way too intense. Which didn’t make it less true. But what I said was, “I’m sure you could guess.” I looked up at the night sky. “I want the space to be my true self.”



It was getting chilly,so we headed back inside and used the blanket to cover our knees as we sat side by side on the couch. Once I felt warmed up enough, I stood. “I’m gonna peek in on Star.”

I was glad for the moment alone because it was still hard to wrap my brain around the idea that Henry was sitting in my house. Even though I was taken aback that he’d shown up like this tonight, I’d admit I was really enjoying his company.

“She’s still out,” I said when I returned to the room. “But that’s nothing new. She would sleep through an earthquake.”

Occasionally she’d be up earlier than me, but more often than not, it was me or Mom trying to rouse her for breakfast. I would kill to sleep as soundly as her. My cuticles would thank me.

“Awesome.” He stood stiffly. “You’re a good brother.”

“Eh, I try.”

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