Page 71 of XOXO

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My stomach trembled nearly the entire time we finished eating, and then I walked toward the games section. We stopped to watch the balloon darts since that was where Jessilyn and her group were congregating.

Leah worked her magic by striking up a conversation with Jessilyn since they had a class together. She introduced us to her and her friends, though we’d crossed paths before. They seemed nice enough, but I couldn’t help thinking that the redheaded girl was the one who’d been monopolizing Henry’s time at the party I’d attended. Was she interested in him? Would she seek him out again?

Justin was holding his own, and it seemed like he and Jessilyn were hitting it off. I was happy for him, but I also felt antsy as hell as the time to meet Henry approached.

Once we parted ways, Justin turned to our group with a huge smile on his face. “We exchanged numbers.”

“Really?” Leah replied, trying to keep her squealing to a minimum while Emil and I clapped him on the back.

“So now what?” Emil asked. “I’m getting bored. Maybe we should head back to the dorms and have a party of our own.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Leah said, and Justin nodded, seemingly happy to leave now that his wish was fulfilled.

I panicked a little, trying to think of a good excuse. “Hang on…do you mind if I get an elephant ear? I was told I had to try one.”

“Oooh, why does that sound so good?” Justin asked, and we walked together to the stand.

“Well, fuck,” Emil said as we approached the long line. “Apparently we’re not the only ones with the idea.”

“Sorry, you can go if you want, and I’ll meet you there.”

“No, it’s okay. We can definitely wait.”

I noticed Henry approaching in my side view as my heart battered against my rib cage.

“Oh, look, someone who’ll let us cut in line.” Bones motioned to us as the rest of his friends walked to the back of the line.

“You wish,” Emil replied. “I think the people behind us would have something to say.”

“We’re football gods. Watch and learn…” Bones turned toward the students standing behind us as Henry rolled his eyes and his other friends watched in amusement. “Do you mind if we cut in line? Us athletes need a lot of sustenance.”

One of the girls told him he was ridiculous, while the other said, “Go for it.”

His grin widened. “See? What did I tell you?”

“That you’re an arrogant jackass?” Emil replied, and I laughed.

“Bones will only take that as a compliment,” Henry said, then cast his gaze into the crowd. He waved to a family nearby. “Coach is right over there, so I suggest you join A-Train at the back of the line.”

“You’re no fun, Henners,” Bones replied with a frown.

“I’m plenty fun but not when teachers and parents are around.”

I had no idea parents would even be here. Should I have invited my family? I almost felt guilty, but no, this night out was for me, even Mom had said as much.

Henry turned to me. “So you’ve never had an elephant ear before?”

I shook my head. “Guess there’s a first time for everything.”

His eyes burned into mine, likely because he’d taken that in a different way. My cheeks warmed as he moved to the back of the line. Emil was staring at me with a strange look on his face.


“Nothing,” he said, then added low enough that our friends couldn’t hear, “but can I say I told you so?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I muttered, and Emil snickered as we moved up in line.

When it was our turn, I pulled out the cash Mom had stuffed in my pocket that morning. I had already bought a sub but had plenty left over. I felt guilty that the money came from her tips, but she had made me swear to have fun and use it, so I said, “My treat.”
