Page 90 of XOXO

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No one looked at me as they filed into the locker room to store their stuff. I followed Coach to his office, where he asked me to shut the door behind me.

“You guys were not meshing out there,” he said.

Gee, I wonder why.

“You were way off your game,” he accused. “What the hell is going on? And don’t tell me nothing.”

“I was…off my game,” I admitted. I felt completely awful about it too. My chest had that lead-weight feeling the entire bus ride home, and I had a killer headache going too.

Was I feverish? Maybe I was.

“Was it because of whatever happened on the bus this morning?”

I nodded. “Guess it rattled me.”

He folded his arms. “Talk to me, Henners.”

“That’s just it. I don’t feel like I can.” I forked my fingers through my hair. “I feel like anything that happens gets back to my parents. It totally takes away from my college experience.”

His lips parted in surprise. “Why haven’t you brought this to my attention before?”

“Same reason. I know you and my dad go way back and that he checks in with you all the time.” I looked him in the eye, feeling brave. “Has my dad pressured you into anything? My starting position on the team?”

“Hell, no. You’re a talented quarterback and a good kid. Naming you team captain was the obvious choice.” He looked toward the door. “Clearly your teammates thought so too.”

I shrugged. “Maybe they did, at one time. But now…I’m not so sure.”

He stepped closer. “What was that, on the bus?”

“The guys read something private out loud. Something from my past.”

He nodded. “Is this about Lark Levitt?”

Christ, my dad really did tell him everything. And clearly vice versa.

“Uh-huh. We’ve become friends again. How could we not after what we went through as kids? He’s the only one who gets it, you know?”

“Makes sense to me.”

“And obviously you know Dad wants me to keep my health history secret.”

His eyes softened. “For the record, I never agreed with your father’s decision. I get why he’s so sensitive about the whole thing, but that was a long time ago and you’re not him.”

“No, I’m not. So I’d appreciate your treating me like I’m my own person. Maybe my parents don’t need to know everything going on in my life.” Fuck, I wished I could’ve said this a long time ago. Though I still didn’t know how he’d react. I tempered my tone. “Did your parents know all about whatyoudid in college?”

His entire face reddened. “No, absolutely not.”

Must’ve had some good stories to share.

“So you get my point.”

“Loud and clear.” He briefly averted his eyes, seeming a bit chagrined. Then he put out his hand to shake on it. “But I need you to be able to separate the two and get your head in the game. No matter what, those guys look to you as their leader. So act the part.”

“Yes, sir.”


