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She’s also direct in a very charming kind of way and can pry information from people by merely batting her long, black lashes. Me, on the other hand, I use my fists. I watch her smile at the man in question, instantly reeling him in like a fish on the line.Poor sucker.He grins like a fool and it’s clear he’s just another geek here to chat about science.

After discerning he’s not a threat, her smile turns cool and she pretends to get a text on her phone, completely averting her attention. The geek’s shoulders sag and he trudges off into the crowd.Like he ever had a chance,I mentally scoff.

Right now, Sailor oozes elegance and anyone who looks at her would assume she’s pure class. Maybe even a little too prim and proper. But I know that beneath the show she’s putting on, she can also be a spitfire. She’s a bite-sized badass. Sassy, free-spirited and with a mouth made to spit fire like a dragon when she’s pissed at you.

I can’t help but wonder what else that mouth of hers is capable of.

Forcing my gaze away, I get my thoughts about Sailor under control and continue to scope out the other guests, all the while keeping a close watch on DeLazzer. And, of course, Sailor. How can I not? Especially in that slinky pink dress she’s wearing.

Yes, Sailor is my complete opposite. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting her.

Throughout dinner, we complete our assigned circuits and keep our eyes on DeLazzer and the rest of the room. Once they finish eating, Dr. DeLazzer walks up to a podium on the small stage and addresses the crowd. We’re far enough away from the guest of honor that we don’t draw attention, but close enough to spring into action if we perceive a threat. I glance over at Sailor and give her a nod. She responds by blowing a bubble.Vixen.

Dr. DeLazzer’s speech lasts around 15 minutes and, just as we predicted, everything runs like clockwork. After a round of applause, DeLazzer exits the stage and says his farewells to his colleagues. After another five minutes, I motion to Sailor and we usher DeLazzer out of the banquet hall and over to the waiting SUV at the curb. Per usual, I check the Escalade’s plates and match them to the information the car service provided. The driver, Enrique again, will take us straight back to the hotel and then we’ll make sure DeLazzer gets to the airport and on his flight safely.

That’s it. Job concluded and an easy pay day.

I probably shouldn’t have indulged that thought until we were safely back on the plane and heading home.

Because the moment we’re all in the SUV, the driver pulls away from the curb, a little too fast, and my back slams against the seat.

“Hey! Slow down, will ‘ya?” I say, annoyed. But he puts the partition up between us and hits the gas harder. Well, this job just went sideways fast. I glance over at Sailor who’s already pulling her gun out of her purse. I leave mine holstered under my suit jacket for the moment and reach for the door handle.Locked. Fuck.

“What’s going on?” DeLazzer asks, eyes widening at her gun, and shifting on his seat between us.

“Are you aware of anyone who might want to hurt you?” Sailor asks.

“Or kidnap you?” I add.

“Well…” he starts, voice hesitant.

The car spins around a corner and I slap a hand against the seat to keep from sliding over.

“Maybe,” he says slowly. “I don’t know.”

With a curse, I yank my gun out, ready to blast through the partition, when the air coming through the vents turns up full-blast. I have time to register that it smells sweet, not your typical car air freshener, before a wave of dizziness hits me. Panic flares in my gut and I look over and see Sailor fall sideways, eyes slipping shut. DeLazzer drops next.

I fight hard not to breathe in the sickly-sweet odor. It’s obviously some kind of chemical, and I’m pretty confident my size will give me an extra minute over the others, but not much more than that. My reflexes go into overdrive, spurred on by a sudden hit of adrenaline, and I hit the window with my gun’s handle, trying to smash through. When that doesn’t work, I lean back and use the heel of my boot, kicking out repeatedly. The glass is bulletproof, but I fire a shot off anyway.

The overpowering sedative being pumped through the vents leaves my head spinning and I can’t think clearly anymore. Struggling to keep my eyes open, I fumble for my cell phone. Halfway to my ear, I drop it and slump sideways as everything goes dark and I pass out.


I have no idea how much time has passed, but as I come to, I feel something pressing against my back, shoving me. Then a familiar voice hisses my name.

My eyes snap open and I glance around the small room. There are a couple of long, metal tables and cabinets with glass vials and test tube racks. It looks like some kind of lab.


It’s Sailor. We’re each sitting in a chair, tied up, back-to-back. “Sai? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. You?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“What’s going on?” she asks.

“No idea. I don’t think DeLazzer told us the whole story.”
