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Nothing has helped, and it’s only gotten worse. Every time I breathe in her candy scent, watch her lick those suckers and prance by twirling a braid around a pink-polished fingernail, I want to scoop her up, press that curvy little body of hers against the wall and kiss her senseless.

She’s getting harder and harder to resist.

The idea that this could be our last night together guts me. Although I haven’t told Sailor how I feel, I wonder if she has any clue? And if I did admit my feelings, would she reciprocate them or brush me off with a saucy comeback?

I can handle rejection. Not every woman has thrown herself at me and I’ve gotten my fair share of rebuffs. But I don’t think I can handle Sailor’s rejection. That’s one of the reasons I’ve kept quiet about my feelings and suffered in silence.

Sailor reaches over and slides her hand over mine. “Same,” she finally says in a soft voice and squeezes.

“Did you love Ben?” I abruptly ask.Fuck.I can’t believe I just asked that, but it’s been driving me nuts. Waiting with baited breath, I turn my hand and lace my fingers through hers, circling my thumb against her palm.

“Did you love Penelope?” she asks right back.

“No,” I admit, looking straight into her sky-blue eyes and holding nothing back. “She was just a distraction.”

“A distraction from what?”

A muscle flexes in my cheek and then I lay my cards out on the table. “From you.”

Sailor’s mouth drops open.

Chapter Seven: Sailor

I have no idea what to think.What is he saying exactly?My heart speeds up and the way he’s circling his thumb against my palm is making it hard to concentrate. It feels like I’m in the front car of a rollercoaster, curving over the top of the first hill, and looking straight down the tracks at the drop far, far below. The fear, the anticipation, the uncertainty, the rush…they’re all there. I just hope the lap bar I’m clinging to is enough to keep me safe.

“A distraction from me?” I ask, desperately needing clarification. The line between Kane driving me crazy and me wanting to jump his bones is razor thin. It has been for months. But I can’t cross that line without absolute certainty of what waits on the other side.

“You don’t know?” he asks.

“I need to hear you say it, Kane.”

“Lately…” He sighs and then his golden-green gaze locks on mine. Our fingers are moving, sliding in and out of each other’s, touching and exploring. “Fuck it. When we get out of here tomorrow, I want to take you out.”

My mouth edges up. “Like on a date?” I ask in disbelief.

“Yes, a date. Something fun. Whatever you want to do.”

OMG.I try to keep my cool and not show how freaking excited I am. “I’d like that,” I say softly.

“Good,” he says in a gruff voice. Then he lets out a shaky breath and I find it absolutely adorable that he thought I might have said no.Kane Maddox, the big, strong, tough, former SEAL was nervous to ask little ol’ me out.It doesn’t get much sweeter than that.

My world just got a little brighter. And if– no–whenwe both walk out of here tomorrow with a clean bill of health, my whole universe is going to burst into an explosion brighter than the sun.

As the adrenaline from the day’s events leaves me, I’m hit by how damned tired I am. Kane must notice because he adjusts the pillows, lays back and then motions for me. I crawl over and slip under the crook of his muscular arm, turning sideways to press against his side. I lay my hand on his massive chest, taking comfort in its steady rise and fall, and close my eyes.

I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I’m so glad that Kane is here with me and we’ll face it together.


I must not move all night. When I open my eyes again, I’m wrapped around Kane in the exact same position, but now my leg is hooked over his. I glance up and notice the stubble on his jaw then see his hazel eyes studying me.

“Morning,” he says, voice rough with sleep.

My stomach flutters. I slept in Kane Maddox’s arms all night, and it felt wonderful. “Good morning,” I whisper. Even though I don’t want to leave his warm embrace, I push up and stretch. The bathroom is calling my name and I’m dying to brush my teeth. “Be right back,” I say, sliding off the edge of the bed.

After peeing as quietly as possible and then splashing water on my face, I squeeze toothpaste onto the toothbrush they provided and stare at my reflection in the mirror as I brush.I’m going to go on a date with Kane.Eeep! I can’t believe it! If he wasn’t in the other room, I’d jump up and down and squeal.

Well, as long as everything turns out okay with this whole virus nonsense. But I’m feeling much more positive this morning.Everything will be alright because I have a date with Kane. There’s no way I’m missing out on that.
