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The last thing I want to do is kill her. I’d protect Sailor with every ounce of my being. Until my very last breath.

I’d also like to bury myself deep inside her tight, little body and ride her hard.Not gonna happen,I tell myself. She’s too much of a lady for the likes of me. Sailor doesn’t even swear and I’m a vocal, cussing, dirty-talking beast in bed. I’d probably shock her delicate senses and make her run for the hills.

Not that we’d ever have sex.

Still, though, a guy can dream.

Chapter Three: Sailor

Sitting here across the aisle from Maddox and trying to pretend he has no effect on me is getting harder every trip. But there’s nothing I can do about it. The easiest thing I can do is ignore him as much as possible. With that thought firmly planted in my head, I open my tablet and dive back into the romance novel I’m reading. It’s a smalltown, romantic suspense and I’m just getting to the steamy part. It’s not long before I’m crossing my legs and beginning to overheat. After that last scene, I’ll never look at Skittles the same way again.

I’m so engrossed in the story that I don’t even realize when Maddox leans over my shoulder.

“What’re you reading?” he asks, trying to take a peek.

I slam the tablet shut and glare up at him. “Do you mind? I hate when people read over my shoulder.”

“Another one of your smut books?”

“I don’t read smut. I read romance novels with a solid plotline.”

“Do they have sex?” he asks, hovering over me. He’s too close. Far too close.

Breathing in his woody smell, I just blink. “What?” My voice comes out far too breathless. Sex is something Maddox and I have never discussed before.

“Do the characters get it on? Do the deed? You know, get their freak on?” He walks back to his seat and drops down in it.

For a moment I have no words. He can be such an idiot sometimes. “I don’t see what that has to do with anything,” I say primly.

“It must be hot or you wouldn’t have slammed it shut so fast.”

“I am not ashamed of my books,” I inform him tartly.

“Can I read it?”

“No, you can not.”

“Why? What’re you hiding?”

“Nothing. It wouldn’t interest you.”

“How do you know what interests me?”

“Oh, I know,” I say and turn to face him. “If it doesn’t involve guns,The Simpsonsor chugging beer, you couldn’t care less.”

His hazel eyes narrow and he slouches down in his seat. “You forgot sex,” he grumbles.

“What?” I snap.

“Sex interests me, too.”

“Well then I guess you better find yourself a new girlfriend,” I tell him. “Good luck with that,” I can't help but add in a snarky tone.God Almighty, he drives me bonkers.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks and sits up straighter.


“You think I can’t find a girlfriend?”

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